Winter is right around the corner and here are vocal cords regularly can help to keep them is loaded with organic herbs and oils that are
some tips to help you power through this winter conditioned and free from debris/phlegm. Take specifically designed to help keep your voice
like a superstar. (For more information regarding advantage of your shower time by steaming healthy and moisturized. I love this spray. I also
products mentioned in this article, please email up the bathroom (leave the vent fan off!) and love a homemade spray made with aloe vera
me through my website and I’ll be happy to warming up during your shower time. For extra and glycerin. I’m happy to share the recipe with
provide you with the information) credit, continue singing after you get out and you.
the bathroom is still steamy!
The importance of staying hydrated cannot BATHE YOUR THROAT! When you feel you need to soothe your throat
be overemphasized. Hydration is the key to Throat Coat Tea (by Traditional Medicinals) is during rehearsal or even while singing, don’t
health and well being. When your body has the a wonderful way to stay ahead of the vocal hesitate to “pop a drop”. When you suck on a
moisture it needs, it’s able to fight off infection winter blues. This magnificent little product is cough drop or throat lozenge, make sure you
better and keep your vocal cords moving and time tested and true to bathe your throat with steer clear of mentholated drops. Drops can be
flexible! Make sure you drink an adequate wonderful herbs for moisture and healing. Be useful in helping to clear away phlegm or calm
amount of water and non-caffeinated drinks sure and steep the tea for 30 minutes covered a cough, but most all of the drops you find in
and remember that it takes about an hour to get the most out of it. Brew some regularly your grocery store or pharmacy have menthol
for the water you drink to actually make it to and sip throughout the day. Last year I shared except Hall’s Breezers. So I use those and find
your vocal cords. You may have to work a little a recipe for a wonderful Citrus Ginger tea that’s them very helpful.
harder at this in the winter time when the cold perfect to fight off those nasty cold bugs that air holds much less moisture and you often want to settle in your throat. (Shoot me an email BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR VOICE
have dry heated air in your environment. For and I’ll send you the link for it) With cold weather comes a variety of nasty
bugs and fun activities… a real mixed bag. Try
this reason, it’s important to make sure you add
moisture to the air you breathe as well. A warm GARGLE THE GERMS AWAY to think like a singer throughout the season
air vaporizer at night is just what the doctor Keep throat issues at bay by gargling regularly and avoid activities that wreak havoc on your
orders. I keep one going during the day when with Listerine. I prefer Listerine Naturals voice… coughing, shouting, yelling, overuse,
I’m home as well. When I travel I use a portable because it is devoid of chemicals and colors. By talking and singing outside in the frigid air, etc.
one that utilizes a regular 16.5oz water bottle. gargling nightly with this you can help stave off Do make sure and get proper rest for your body
I use the Boneco Travel Cool Mist vaporizer. bacteria that can lead to a sore throat or worse. and your voice.
This can work perfectly for you on a desktop Step it up to three times a day if you feel a cold at work. While you’re at it, make sure to make coming on. I have also found another gem for By thinking ahead and taking care of yourself,
a habit of breathing through your nose so that once your throat is already hurting, it’s a gargle you can have a healthy and music filled season.
the air you breathe is cleaned, warmed and called Vocal Rescue and it will truly rescue you moistened as well. when your voice is gone! Completely organic
God bless!
and filled with herbs and essential oils, and no
additives, to heal what ails you!
It’s always important to warm up daily, but
it’s especially important when you want to SPRAY THE NASTIES AWAY!
keep your voice healthy in the midst of cold/ I use a fabulous spray that helps clear away
flu season. You need to keep your vocal cords phlegm, prepares your voice for singing and
strong and in good shape and warming up the helps to keep your voice healthy. This little gem
December 2018
Sheri Gould
An internationally acclaimed vocal coach. She’s
been helping artists and worshipers find their voice
for over 40 years. If you have any questions or need
resources don’t hesitate to ask.
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