leading the people around them in worship, and
there is power in that. So, you just mentioned
that it’s for worship leaders, and I agree with
that, but my real hope is that it would be used
in small groups and worship teams, and I really
want to get it to congregations.
[WM] Let’s talk about some of the subjects
addressed. You begin the series by establishing
that worship leaders have in fact, a high calling,
and are priests in the church. You then discuss
what true worship is. Tell us about this calling.
[Zach] There are few mega themes in the
Bible, but once you get these clicked into your
theological understanding it kind of opens up
the entire rest of the scripture. One of those
mega themes is the concept of the priesthood,
and when you understand that concept runs
from the book of Genesis all the way to the
book of Revelation, and this is actually part of
humanity’s role. And it’s what Christ came to
the earth to be, that living connection between
heaven and earth. To be a people who walk in
relationship with God and walk in relationship
with the world that He put us in, so that the world
that He put us in can walk in relationship with
God. That’s what Jesus did, and that’s what He
called us to. A worship leader who understands
that creates, just by walking into a room and
opening his mouth, meeting places between
heaven and earth. Because he is walking in
relationship with heaven, and he is walking in
relationship with the congregation that he is
leading. That’s a pivotal understanding. I’m not
just coming out to sing songs, and I’m not just
coming out and banging through song lists of
the most popular hits on the praise charts, I’m
actually pastoring people into relationship with
God because I have relationship with God.
[WM] I mentioned the term “true” worship.
Jesus made it clear in John 4:23 that true
22 August 2020
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