Worship Musician August 2019 | Page 58

MUSIC INDUSTRY MOTIVATIONAL MYTHS AND MISCONCEPTIONS | Craig Sibley We’ve all heard the motivational quotes along me, it was always the “Craig Show” and not the trappings to go along with it (i.e. - financial the lines of; “Never, ever give up on your the “Jesus Show”… when it should have been success, recognition and perhaps even secretly, dreams”, “Anything is possible through hard His show from the start. After flogging a dead buried deeply in my heart… some fame?). work” or “Follow your passions and success warthog* for countless years in the pursuit of Success, money, recognition and fame could will soon follow” My personal favorite is “Do something that God wasn’t a part of (a career have been the worst thing for me. All one needs what you love, and you will never work a day in music)… I now find myself rounding the to do is look at the ruined lives of countless in your life.” The last time I checked, none bend towards Geezerville and have come to a famous people throughout history to know that of these “wisdom nuggets” can be found in crossroad** regarding what I should be doing fame can be extremely detrimental to one’s life. the Bible (and if they are, you might want to with my life. This is why I felt compelled to write What if God’s plan is that He wants me to use quickly trot down to your local bookstore for a this article. It is my hope that my experience my musical talents to lead people in worship as Bible upgrade!). might help someone escape some of the pain an unpaid volunteer? He knows what is right I have gone through. While this article is based for me far better than I do. We need to trust As a guy who unsuccessfully sought a career on my personal quest for a career in the music Him in this. And yeah… I’m painfully aware it’s in the music biz for over three decades, biz, the Biblical principles can be applied to any not easy sometimes. My advice is to pray first, motivational quotes ricocheted around the career or work endeavor. seek and listen for His voice through studying inside of my head like errant tennis balls. All the His word, then act. Focus is the key here. Do while, I tried to live my life according to Biblical * a warthog because I would never flog a dead you have a focus on God, or a focus on your principles. I’m here to tell you my compadres horse… and because I don’t really know what dreams and desires? and compadrettes that these two mindsets a warthog is can be diametrically opposed (not always and ** at the intersection of “Crisis Avenue” and It’s interesting that the second “wisdom nugget” I’ll get to that in a moment). At worst, these “Yikes St.” is a fractured, out of context scripture hiding in worldly quips can be downright dangerous to the follower of Christ. worldly clothing: Let’s take a look at the first little ditty I mention “ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE THROUGH HARD WORK” above: First let me say that I believe God gives us “NEVER, EVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS” I’ve often used this quote in my head to convince myself I was on the right “path” and that as long talents, abilities and desires to use for His plan and glory. There’s nothing wrong, sinful Question #1 - What if your dream conflicts with as I work hard, God will bless it. Against all odds or inappropriate about seeking a career doing something better God has planned for you? and in the face of almost certain failure, I’d toss something you love as long as those things are Question #2 - What if that dream could destroy it out and hope for the best. I naively thought, not wrong, sinful or inappropriate according to you? “I really, really want this to happen even though in many ways it’s a totally ridiculous notion, but God’s Word. God may have given you a dream as a part of His plan, and it may be good to seek As I’ve already mentioned, there is nothing God is going to bless the endeavor because I it out. However, I think it is imperative that we wrong with pursing your dreams as long as am His child and He loves me. After all, He gave diligently seek God in prayer before proceeding there is nothing sinful or directly at odds with me the talent and I’m working hard, so He must in a work of any sort (let alone our life’s work). God’s perfect will as outlined in the Bible. I want me to have success?” Talk about jumping MATTHEW 6:33 - But seek first the kingdom believe it is good to step out in faith, test the to conclusions. Unfortunately, I never fully read of God and His righteousness, and all these waters and see if doors open for you in your the scripture it is based on, because if I had I things shall be added to you. pursuit… but there comes a time when we would have known what Jesus actually said is; must be submissive to God if those dreams do Matthew 19:26 - 26 But Jesus looked at them and The problems begin when we embark on not materialize and doors continually slam shut. said to them, “With men this is impossible, but something we want to do and try to bend Additionally, we must guard our hearts against with God all things are possible.” God around it. If I’m honest with myself, I’ve what our expectations and motives are instead approached most of my past endeavors more of what God’s plan and expectations might be. 33 Wow, that’s a subtle, yet huge difference between the quote people often banter like; “Dang the torpedoes, full speed ahead and God please bless what I’m doing!” With In my case, I wanted a career in music with all 58 August 2019 about, and what Jesus actually said… isn’t Subscribe for Free...