it? Especially since folks always drop the go on tour with a wildly popular band who His voice was so strong that I recently, and
“impossible” part! had a Billboard Magazine top ten hit with rather reluctantly picked up the guitar and
sexually explicit lyrics (and evocative live stage lead worship with a few songs at a small
Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying presentations). Additionally, at one point during home Bible study. Slowly, something amazing
here; I believe God can do anything He desires. my attempts to become a film composer I was started happening as I did more music, my
All things are most certainly possible with God, offered to write music for adult films. Both of finger callouses began returning making the
but only if God wants to bring it to pass. My these might have furthered my career, but were guitar easier to play… but more importantly my
hard work and effort may be a part of His plan completely at odds with God’s ways. I could depression began to lift! It is very possible that
and miraculous things can happen when we have rationalized my actions by telling myself: by not doing something God designed me to
do the work of God’s plan. But if I head out “I’ll do this and be a light in the darkness!” or do, it caused a wound in my spirit resulting in
solo without him, my effort will often lead to “What a great ministry opportunity this would depression. I don’t know if this is an accurate
disappointment. If He’s not in it, I might as be to work in the adult film industry!” but the assessment, but perhaps by simply doing
well beat my head against the wall because scriptures are quite clear about this; something God intended me to do, which I had
it’s going to be one painful journey. I know, Psalms 1 - Blessed is the man who walks not neglected… healing took place!
because I have a ripping headache! in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the
My lifted spirits motivated me to begin writing a
path of sinners
And this worldly tidbit is one that can truly be
song. The cool thing? I felt a bit of joy that I had
dangerous: There are countless other scriptures that warn not experienced in a very long time. But while
“FOLLOW YOUR PASSIONS AND SUCCESS WILL us to stay away from such things. Thankfully, I had some great chords and a melody, the
SOON FOLLOW” these are two mistakes I did not make in the lyrics eluded me. I sat down to pray about this
midst of a plethora of bad decisions I did… “problem” and I distinctly remember the words
Question #1 – What if our passion is something but I was certainly tempted. My “passion” to “Lift your head my friend” popping into my
sinful? succeed in music almost overtook me. The head. After which the floodgates were opened
result of which would have utterly destroyed as more lyrics streamed into my head. Later as
me. I recorded the vocals, I was bawling like a baby
In the context of this article, I am speaking
of seeking a career and making sure we are
because God was speaking the words directly
seeking something that is God’s will for us in Lastly, I want to caution you about not pursuing into my heart in a remarkable and personal way.
our lives. There is nothing wrong with seeking what God has made you to do! At one point I now have no expectations as to how God
out something we are passionate about, as in my “musical quest”, I was hurt in ministry. I might “use” my music, but am very content
long as that passion is not sinful or unholy. won’t go into the details, but my pride was hurt. He used it to speak to me personally. What
So, I laid down my guitar, and wouldn’t have more can I ask for but this? Hearing directly
I think it is important what we mean by passion. anything to do with music for nearly a decade. from God? What a blessing! This experience defines it as such: Unfortunately during this time, I was angry and demonstrated to me that there is joy that can
passion [pash-uhn] noun terribly depressed. But in the past few years, come from simply being faithful to do whatever
1. any powerful or compelling emotion or God has been working on me, drawing me God has put in front of me. Musically, and in
feeling, as love or hate. closer, deepening our relationship. everything I might encounter in life. Even writing
strong amorous feeling or desire; love;
this article.
ardor. By adopting a commitment to study His Word strong sexual desire; lust. daily I have received a more meaningful prayer So, all in all, I encourage you to seek an
time, know God better and am excited about endeavor if God has laid it on your heart… but
Again, as with some of the previous things we what He is doing in my life. Through studying keep the focus on Him. Seek out His face! Get
have examined, our passions can be beneficial (specifically 1st Timothy), He spoke to me to know Him better. Through this relationship,
or destructive and it is imperative that we view about the fact that I had been neglecting my He will reveal His plan for your life through
them through a Godly filter. Is my passion “gifts.” Also, the parable of the “man burying prayer and study of His Word… even if it takes
and fleshly desire for success in a career so his talents” had a fresh and significant impact a lifetime! There is surely no better place to be!
important to me that I will bypass God’s ways on me. He spoke to me about the fact that I’d as a means to the end? quit music because of a pride issue. And as the
scriptures point out in countless places, pride
A number of years ago, I was invited to
Craig Sibley
A “Has-Been” that “Never-Was.”
has no place in ministry or God’s kingdom.
August 2019
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