Worship Musician August 2019 | Page 38

and that I was that wounded one. I was that prodigal. I was the one who He was waiting for to come home. I get emotional just thinking about that song because I know it’s going to touch so many, and I think it will be an anthem of hope for those who once were lost will be found. I think they’re going to sing this song as a story of their own redemption, as their own expression of worship, I believe they’re going to experience the love of Jesus as they sing this song. [WM] As creatives and dreamers envisioning Influence Music from the very start, what can you say to aspiring worship leaders and teams with His work. “Be honest with God. In your songwriting there is room for vulnerability, and there is room to ask those questions, but not to songwriting neglect those songs of high praise and holiness there is room for vulnerability, and there is room to ask not to neglect of God’s heart. When you get the language of God written on your own heart it begins to transform you in a way that you wouldn’t be transformed otherwise. So, get to know the Word of God intimately: Learn it. Sing it. Pray don’t think we need to come into a worship service and put on a mask and try to hide from through. I think the best thing that we can do is to come before the throne of God with honesty, humility, and vulnerability, and just be who we are before Him, and let Him speak truth and those songs identity to us. of high praise Then obviously on a practical level, be excellent and holiness in strengthen your vocals and do what you can worship.” applying all of those other spiritual aspects to through it. Devour it and become acquainted 38 with God in the midst of our own journeys. I our emotions and exactly what were going [Matt] I think for one, first and foremost, is to the word of the Bible because it’s the language too. I think there is room for us to be honest better than we know ourselves and He knows questions, but there is nothing more powerful than singing in worship, and beauty. I think we need those God what we’re actually feeling, God knows us regarding their own situations? get acquainted with the Word of God, I think Second, be honest with God. In your August 2019 at your craft. Practice your instrument, do to be as excellent as you possibly can while what you are doing. Subscribe for Free...