community busted out their microscope and DT Series Amps and string volume control is that I can get super tweaky in the HX Edit
the whole thing snowballed. It’s honestly all a for Variax! Remote control functionality for application. But, I also love how easy it is to
bit perplexing. 2.8’s been a ton of development Powercab is another major plus. You guys have create a killer virtual signal chain in far less time
work, but from the user’s perspective, it’s firmly invested in creating this kind of round-trip than it takes to set up a 'traditional' analog rig.
a relatively minor firmware update... for a ecosystem. While the benefits to musicians like With that in mind, what would you like to say
guitar processor. Some people treat it like a myself are great, how much harder does this to people who are either new to modeling or
presidential election or something. make the design process? are a bit intimidated by having to use knobs to
control virtual controls instead of the ones on
I’m totally biased, but my favorite feature in [Eric] Managing presets in one modeler 2.8 is QWERTY hotkeys. We’ve always tried to is hard enough, so when you add a stress that Helix is not a replacement for your programmable guitar, programmable pedals, [Eric] Learn the shortcuts! No, really. I come
amps and pedals—it’s most powerful when and programmable amps or speakers, it’s from a world where you’re competing against
used as the centerpiece of a much larger rig— a total slog. We wanted Helix to eliminate all Pro Tools engineers who’ve optimized their
and what better way to expand its controller but one of those factors, so everything can be workspace to make thousands of edits an
capabilities than have it easily map to literally tweaked, managed, and stored in one place. hour. Knowing the fastest and easiest way to
every piece of Mac and Windows software in
their pedals or amps?
get from point A to point B eventually melts
It’s a massive, massive pain to get it to all work away any active thought of ‘how’ something is
seamlessly. I’d be lying if I said L6 LINK wasn’t done. You just do everything at the speed of
[WM] Part of my personal history with Line at least partly responsible for why we didn’t hit thought. On a traditional pedalboard, you reach
6 includes being hired to shoot the original our Spring deadline for 2.8. down and twist a dedicated knob. Clearly,
Dream Rig video series, so I was super happy
that’s impossible with any modeler containing
to see that '2.8' included connectivity for the [WM] One of the things I love about Helix
84 August 2019
more than a handful of parameters, but if the
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