by TIMOTHY J MILLER | Melissa Doppler
Although he covers a broad range of topics Some ideas may not be new, but I found
to help a worship musician and leader grow, several to be refreshingly uncommon. We can
the overarching theme is personal growth and all use some friendly reminders – but it’s rare to
spiritual transformation, which is our most hear a new concept or a truly fresh perspective.
fundamental act of worship.
One of the things I valued most about Tim’s
“I am increasingly convinced that message is he says what many people think
ministry – at its very core – is all about or experience and are rarely willing to confess,
transformation.” address or work through. He faces head on the
issues of team conflict, hidden sin, submission,
It’s easy in modern church life to find ourselves pride, offense, motivation, when to step out of
focusing on execution, excellence and the a role, and more. I’ve served on some great
expression of our worship, and Tim confesses worship teams under wonderful leaders but
himself prone to this trap along with the best of in my experience most leaders are either too
us. Perhaps this is why he spends 80% of the busy, too afraid of confrontation and “mess”, or
book on matters of the heart, soul and spirit. too immature or insecure to tackle these issues
Tim is a pastor and teacher and he draws richly head on when they crop up in their team, or
on these gifts. His passion, joy and sense of even themselves.
absolute calling is clear and compelling.
Timothy J Miller is a Pastor for Worship
This book is an easy read. Each chapter is
Pastors. He helps worship professionals, “God values the unreserved gift short and punchy – but the content is rich and
church volunteers and leaders increase their of our heart far greater than the noise we deep. I recommend reading Born For Worship
impact. Tim has decades of experience as make.” carefully, prayerfully and over time. Although it
a worship musician, leader and ordained
is not written with a study guide, it could easily
pastor. With many degrees and certifications It is clear that he has spent a good many years in Music, Audio Recording, English, Education, assessing, analyzing, learning and growing in Communications, Life Coaching, and even his own leadership and ministry and we are I once heard Andy Stanley say that one of the
Game Programming/Development, Tim draws the happy recipients of his learned wisdom reasons he has always read leadership books
on a wealth of knowledge and experience. He and insight. He is frank and transparent about with his staff and leadership team is that it’s
is also a John Maxwell Certified Speaker and the lessons he has learned along the way. He easier to let the author be the expert – they
Coach. For more information about Tim visit provides easy ‘handles’ throughout to help us can voice concepts and lessons that may not
Hearts in Tune Worship consider and apply the concepts he is sharing, be accepted or received if they are delivered
with thoughtful questions in each chapter by someone on the ‘inside’. I would encourage
The mission statement for Worship Musician which would be equally beneficial for group worship leaders and pastors to invest in a copy
Magazine discussion or individual contemplation. of this book for every person on their team and
article, interview and review in this magazine then work through its content together. Even if
is intended to resource worship musicians, “Pause & Consider: What can I do in my each person took away only one or two things,
leaders, pastors and teams to grow their ministry role to influence worship when I hazard a guess that the impact on their team,
talents for God’s glory and service. It’s been a my mouth is shut, my instrument is silent, their walk with God and their ability to lead their
long while since I’ve read a book which shares and I have no buttons to press?” congregation in worship would be exponential.
be applied that way.
that mission as well as Born For Worship does.
Tim shares excellent tools for leaders and
What strikes me most about this book is that individuals to assess, measure, and grow their $16.95
Tim keeps ‘the main thing the main thing’. contribution as worship musicians and leaders.
78 August 2019
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