4. UNDER-PROMISE AND OVER-DELIVER. Be will require top-shelf leadership prowess from 4. HAVE AN HONEST AND HUMBLE CONVERSATION
realistic in your ‘selling’ of the change. People you! While you may think this situation may WITH YOUR LEADER. Get it all out. Make sure
deserve truth and need to know how difficult be avoidable, it’s not. The truth is, if you are to express your concerns, questions and
this change may be and the sacrifices that may in ministry long enough, you will be asked to comments to your leader in private! This is a
be required to achieve it. However, always try to do something you don’t want to. This isn’t a time for you to get vision, understanding and
make it as easy and efficient as possible bad thing. In reality, often, other great leaders insight into the change. You may actually
may know more than we do and have better experience some inspiration too.
5. DO YOUR PART. Lead by example. Nobody ideas than us on certain situations. They may wants to change unless the people they trust to even have a vision from the Lord that we need 5. HUMBLY SUBMIT. Even if you don’t think the
lead them change as well. Be the first person to to help implement! If this is the case, here are idea is good, you have to choose to submit to
model the change, make the sacrifices yourself some extremely important additional steps to the authority that God has placed you under.
and let others be inspired to do the same. walk through to navigate this type of change Remember, it’s ok to lead a change that isn’t
successfully: your idea even if you don’t think it is a good
For the third category of change, ‘Changes that
idea… as long as you can get on board and
you control and very few people are excited 1. CHECK YOUR EGO. Remember, it’s not about humbly submit. You could be surprised out
about’, you will likely get a lot more pushback. you. It’s about the Kingdom of God and the how great of an idea it really is once you get
So, in addition to the previous tips, you will body of Christ. We must serve like Jesus and behind it!
need to add the following layers as well to lay down our own ambitions for the good of His soften the blow. Especially, if you sense that glory.
6. OWN THE CHANGE. Once you have checked
folks are more likely to push back or resist the off all the other concerns, you now have the
change. choice to walk away or ‘own’ it. The worst thing
NECESSARY. Don’t make changes because you
are simply bored, want to try something new
or just get frisky! It isn’t worth it. All of those
feelings will eventually pass.
2. COUNT YOUR COST. Understand that some
folks may not respond well, and this could
cost you relationships, culture or at least some
serious headaches. Make sure the result will be
worth it.
3. ALLOW VOICES TO BE HEARD. Make sure the
Remember, it’s
you can do is try to lead through a change with
the attitude of ‘this is a terrible idea, but I have
to do it anyway.’ That attitude will insure your
not about you. failure as well as create disunity on your team.
It’s about the your own and see what happens! Whether or
Kingdom of God
and the body of
The best option is to ‘own’ the idea as if it were
not the idea was a good one or not is no longer
on you. Your responsibility is to simply lead
people, love people and honor God through
the process. No matter what happens, you will
come out a victor on the other side. And best of
all, you will gain trust, favor, and influence along
the way.
people that will be most affected by this change As you learn to lead through difficult changes,
have a chance to voice their concerns and be keep in mind that God is the ultimate provider
2. SEEK WISE COUNSEL. Don’t make decisions on and He has promised to meet all of your needs!
your own. The bigger the problem, the more Don’t be afraid to try something new. Change
4. PROCEED WITH GRACE AND MERCY AND BE trustworthy people we should consult with. is a sign of growth. And all things that are alive
PATIENT. Understand that change is difficult for Let others speak into how you should handle are growing. Now, go and lead!
some people. Give them time to process and a situation.
think without feeling bullied or manipulated.
This will help you continue to build relational 3. VERIFY YOU ARE NOT SACRIFICING YOUR
equity. INTEGRITY OR CONVICTIONS. Don’t do anything
that causes you to go against what you truly
For the final category of change, ‘Changes that believe about God, Jesus or the Bible. While
someone else controls that you are not excited this is rare, it does occasionally rear its head.
about’, this is the most difficult change and This is where wise counsel comes in!
August 2019
Brian Michael Fuller
Brian is a composer, multi-instrumentalist and
worship musician who currently serves as the
worship arts pastor at Newhope Church in Durham,
North Carolina. You can hear some of his original
production music at www.fullertime.com. The pad
sets that he has designed are exclusively available
at www.worshiptutorials.com and have sold over
50,000 copies.
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