Out of all the tasks we will ever do as worship NOTE: Before you make any changes, small or 4 MAIN TYPES OF CHANGES YOU WILL FACE IN
leaders, the most important ones will not just large, please take your time and get information! MINISTRY
be directing the band, making sure the vocalist I’ve seen too many worship leaders make the are in tune or making sure the production fatal mistake of rushing into change too fast team knows what’s going on. The most and having it cost them tremendously. I have critical tests of our leadership will actually actually done this myself over the years and be shepherding people through new and now I offer to you some free time-saving advice uncharted seasons of ministry that include to save you the hassle of making the same many difficult changes. Sometimes they will mistakes I did!
excited about!
you are excited about
changes. Sometimes they will be changes we
someone else implements. Either way, we are
going to need to be change agents! We must
become experts at leading people through
tough changes. This skill will not only help us
implement new ideas smoothly, but it will also
allow us to care for people properly, further
our reach for the kingdom and insure healthy
ministry environments.
While it is not easy, it is also not rocket science.
In this article we will cover some tips on how
to successfully lead through changes. Here are
some examples of some changes that most of
us will probably need to navigate at some point
over our ministry careers.
1. Changing musical styles.
2. Changing up team members and/or
philosophies of worship.
Changes that someone else controls that
Changes that you control and very few
people are excited about.
be small changes, sometimes they will be big
implement and sometimes they will be changes
Changes that you control, and everyone is
Changes that someone else controls that
you are not excited about!
I’ve seen too
While all of these types of change have unique
many worship
challenges, some of them are more challenging
than others. However, the one thing that
remains the same is that great leadership is
leaders make necessary to navigate any kind of change!
the fatal mistake For all 4 of these scenarios, here are some
of rushing into moving forward with any of the changes.
things to make sure to think through before
1. GO SLOW. Remember, a great idea may
change too
become a terrible idea if implemented too
fast and having
early or without vision to why you are changing
things. If people are caught off guard, they may
be less likely to adapt to the new changes. If
it cost them they feel well informed and included, they are
tremendously. happens!
likely to come along for the ride and see what
Changing physical environment such as 2. DEVELOP A CLEAR ‘WHY.’ Every change that
lighting, instruments, stage, the color of you make should be for an intentional and
the paint on the walls. While there are an infinite number of changes certain purpose. Change should be fueled by
4. Changing buildings or locations. you can experience, fortunately, there only are the need to progress and grow not just for
5. Changing leadership such as senior 4 main categories, or types, of changes you personal preference. That purpose should be
pastors, music directors and student will have to face. You will most likely experience clearly defined, well-articulated, and delivered
pastors. all or some combination of these changes in stages.
6. Budget cuts. throughout your ministry so below are some 7. Implementing new technologies such as tips and hints on how to navigate them in a 3. LAY OUT THE ‘HOW AND WHEN.’ Deliver a clear
click tracks, multi-tracks and pads. healthy way. plan and path for how these changes will be
implemented, what part each person will play
These are just a few, but you get the picture!
and the time frame upon which the changes will
be completed
August 2019
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