to come into a community like that where I felt into a session with an expectancy that the Lord [WM] How do you touch base about songs
like I was accepted and loved. It feels like I was is going to guide us creatively. I think it stirs up outside of these writing retreats, perhaps
given unlimited resources to do what I love unity and excitement. Each of us are writing throughout the week during the year?
doing in terms of writing music and creating two songs a day and we’re usually leaving music and leading worship. I am so thankful for camp with about twenty-five songs in four to [Whitney] Being that Matt is in Florida he flies
Phil and Tammy’s leadership and the way they five days. It’s just a great exercise of our gifting. out about once a month, and I think it all comes
have led us to where we are thus far and how By day two you’re kind of drained, I feel like down to Sundays. Those end up being the time
they lead us into the future where we are going, by day four and five you’re kind of just relying that we get to continue growing together and
so I just want to honor them in that as well. on the Lord (laughs) to come through, which is to try new things and push ourselves as far as
really special. leading worship and using the songs. And like I
[WM] Tell us about your worship retreats up in
said before, trial and error, using the songs with
the Southern California Mountains, at Big Bear We’ve only done two of these retreats, this only the congregation. We all stay pretty close knit
Lake? How important are they to the health of started in January of 2017 so its fairly new, and after we come down the mountain.
both the team as well as the congregation? the church didn’t start until 2012. So far I feel like the church has really backed us in prayer I think something that has been a challenge,
[Melody] The writing retreats are special, and they are so expectant because the last two but a good challenge, has been creating a
especially because Matt lives in Florida right years we’ve come back with songs. So, when bridge between the worship community at the
now so we get to steal him for a full week, we come back with song it’s normal for people church and the label of our artist collective that
which doesn’t happen all the time. I think for in our congregation to be like, “How did it go?! is Influence Music. Not everybody who will sing
unity it’s incredible, and just for waiting on Are you going to try anything new on Sunday?!” on a Sunday is necessarily going to be on the
God. We’re very intentional about taking time There is this excitement and I think the camps next album, and that could feel divisive but
in the morning to hear from the Lord and do are essential to keep the spirit behind it. we’ve been trying to be intentional. I think even
a devotional, worship together, and then head
in this next season Whitney and her husband
August 2019
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