who broke the ice?
[Whitney] I will say that I didn’t have much
co-writing experience prior to working with
all of these incredible musicians. I think that
everyone who came into each of our writing
camps brought such an encouraging spirit
into the room and made it clear that this song
will not be the song without every word, every
melody, every person that’s in the room. I’ll just
speak a little praise for Melody; she’s taught a
lot of us how to engage when it comes to a
co-write, she’s very encouraging in everything
that she says but she pushes for the absolute
best. As far as the melodies go, how to say
something differently, how can we use more
colorful language, that sort of thing. And its
not just Melody, everyone does that, but I think
we’ve really been blessed with the teams that
we’ve come into these writings camps with.
[WM] Tell us about any partnership that exists
between your senior pastor and the worship
[Melody] Phil and Tammy Hotsenpillar are
both one hundred percent visionaries. Pastor
Phil has this gift where you can throw him
in front of an empty space and in his mind’s
eye he will know how to fill that space up
with something that will impact the world and
praise Jesus, amen. He’s just such a visionary.
When Influence Music got started, he gave
me a call, “Hey Melody, Tammy and I have
been praying and we want you to spearhead
Influence Music.” I asked, “What’s Influence
Music?”, and he replied, “I don’t know, pray
about it.” (laughs) that is Phil. Phil is the guy
that pushes you out of the nest and is like,
“Fly, I know you can!” And you do, even if you such wisdom, not to mention that Phil is such going through a really difficult season. When
feel like you have no idea what you’re doing. an incredible businessman. He understands I got there, and first experienced Influence
They just really trust the prophetic that God numbers. So to know that we’re not going to Church and Influence Music I was welcomed
has us on and they really trust that God is for fall flat on our faces economically or spiritually and loved and empowered and emboldened to
us and things will work out. I really feel like Phil is very comforting. live out the dream in my heart that God had
and Tammy have been the energy behind us,
put there. That’s something I can attribute to
and the voices of encouragement, but also [Matt] From my personal experience, when I Pastor Phil and Pastor Tammy. They will give
like a safety net. There is such a security in was first introduced to Influence Church back you the resources to do what God has enabled
knowing we have two pastors who have been in January of 2017, I was in a dark place in you to do. It was so empowering for me and so
in ministry for over forty years and who have my life. Stuff at home was hard, and I was just healing for my heart in such a difficult season
32 August 2019
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