Worship Musician August 2019 | Page 29

first started the label, we all relocated from LA. out to where we’re at right now physically, but this where there are so many different people I was in West Hollywood, our music director also just like Melody was saying, we have a from so many different backgrounds: Michael was from Hollywood, our graphic designer and heart for people in the entertainment industry. Ketterer from United Pursuit, and I was with co-producer was from North Hollywood. And Anaheim is relatively close to LA and the the House of Prayer for about ten years, and one the girls who spearheaded all of our media Hollywood scene, and we have such a heart Whitney who is kind of the home grown from when we got started, was an executive at NBC for those people. What’s so cool is that all of Influence Church in Orange County, and Melody and left what she was doing out of Pasadena those churches that you just listed really have who was in the secular writing scene. It’s just to come and start Influence Music. I think in built a way for us to be able to reach a larger really cool how we all came together and have the DNA of Influence Music there is just a heart audience as far as our music goes. We have a common heart but with different reaches and to create music that doesn’t just minister to Matt, who is from Florida, and we have Michael musical expressions. So, it’s the lyrics and a people who are already Christian, but that will Ketterer who’s from Tennessee, then obviously sound that I have never heard before coming act as a hook to grab onto people who are not Melody from LA and I’m from Orange County out of the church. I think your question of what in the church yet. We hope to push boundaries (CA) myself. So we have a really beautiful need was being met that wasn’t there before, artistically and hopefully to make music that concoction, and that’s what our body is really and I don’t know if it was a specific need that people in the world will look to and admire the built up of, so many people who have come wasn’t being met because like you said there excellence of. from near and far. Our church itself has a heart are so many churches doing so many amazing for the entertainment industry and for reaching things in the Orange County area, but I do think people who are in that world. what we are is a different and new expression [Whitney] Speaking from a church perspective, something that is so token in our of what the Lord wants to do, and it’s reaching church body is that our pastors are not only [Matt] And just to add onto that, I don’t know in so many different streams and so many championing the local community and reaching if I’ve seen or been a part of anything like different categories in the music industry. August 2019 Subscribe for Free... 29