By Alexander MacDougall
Influence Music is a faith-based record label and [WM] Influence Church, where you hail from, [Melody] I can answer that from the music
artist collective established as part of Influence is located in Orange County, CA. “The OC” is side, and then throw it to Whitney to answer
Church, in Anaheim Hills, CA. Independently not only notable as a television teen drama from the church side. Then maybe Matt can
releasing Touching Heaven in May of 2018, series from several years back, and as the chime in too because he’s from Orange County,
Influence Music was immediately recognized home of Disneyland, but also as a hotbed of Florida (laughs).
as impactful within the worshiping community. internationally influential churches. Calvary Their sophomore release, Rebels, releases Chapel, The Anaheim Vineyard, Saddleback For Influence Music I think what’s unique
in July. Matt Gilman, Melody Noel, Michael Church, Harvest Christian Fellowship, and about what we have going on and what other
Ketterer, and Whitney Medina work together as the former Crystal Cathedral, are just a few of churches aren’t doing or haven’t done yet, is
Influence Music, in collaborative songwriting, those mega-church names. What opportunity really that bridge between what’s going on in
recording, and in leading worship, alongside or unmet need presented itself in the planning Los Angeles entertainment-wise, and what’s
other team members and creatives. and planting of Influence Church and Music? happening at our local church here. Something
interesting about our team is that when we
August 2019
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