I went back to the hotel room, and I said, “I people involved in this and the anointing that am I one who makes? Or am I one who does
don’t need a royalty check. I don’t need what you’ve put on the leadership to breathe life both? But I want something on these songs
the world says you need when you write a and to be the ones who know what to do with today God that could come from a place in
song, God. I need you to take me to sing over our songs, because heaven knows we don’t. our guts that starts to unravel and say there
the broken, because I think that’s more you We’re so grateful for that, and God I ask that has to be something more out there than what
than some of the things we search for because your spirit would descend over these buildings were getting. There has to be, because I’m
we don’t know that its you.” And if this mother that maneuver these songs. And that God you unsatisfied with what is even in the church, I just
could give you anything she would say, you will would do supernatural things with melody lines, know that you’re bigger than that. If you’re the
be successful because there’s beautiful ways and that you would cross borders that have God that in five days created the heaven and
that God uses people to market you, which is never been cross even by songs written by the earth then you can give us songs that create
amazing and that’s a gift. But don’t make all the these women. Go I just pray that as each one revival even in the worlds of the lost. I want
stuff that you do become why you do it. Look is connected to the other that they are sitting us to have songs in the end of movie credits
for what your legacy is. next to I ask that a blessing would go from one that may not even have the name of Jesus in
to another to another, that we make you grab them, but because they leak the anointing that
Can you just grab the hand of the girl next your chest in delight because we are women people don’t even know what they’re doing in
to you? I’m just going to pray over you, and who are after the presence of the Lord. We the theatres and they just start calling out with
as I pray I just want you to bless that girl that are asking you to tip the bowls of heaven over the name of the Lord. God would you do it
you’re holding hands with. And I want you to with lyrics and melody lines and that you would with plays on Broadway, would you do it with
do an Elizabeth and a Mary. Sometimes I text allow our paths to cross dreams and desires television, would you do it with our churches
Karrie and I’ll say, “Hey Jesus, this is John, just because they are there in our bellies… because with our worship songs? God would you give
praying for you.” And Karrie will text me back, you put them there. You know the timing, you us the things from heaven because you entrust
“Hey John.” Because I’m okay with being John know the place, but I ask God that you would us with what you’re doing. We want to see you
the Baptist now. make us those identified with being preparers God, we want to see you so we ask for you to
and makers. do it. Amen.
move and come, and I want to thank you for And maybe its something to even ask the Lord, Let’s just sing, “I’m coming back to the heart of
companies and for Capitol and for all of the am I one who prepares in this next season, or worship, and its all about you.”
So Holy Spirit, I just ask that you would
August 2019
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