your legacy? What are you going to leave and there were chairs set up all over the foyer one he did two years ago, it was two years ago
behind?” and my automatic response was, “My there, and I was getting ready to go and this from that point. He said, “Al-Qaeda came in
songs.” (laughs) And He said, “No, girl, that’s young gentleman walked in and he looked like one night after we had staffed the camp and
just your songs. What’s your legacy? What‘s he didn’t want to be there. He sat down on my kidnapped me and two other workers and took
your legacy, find your legacy.” I was like, “Well, right side, and the Holy Spirit said, “Direct all us into the desert and held us hostage for two
is it justice? Is it my son?” And He was like, “No, of your songs in that direction.” And I do that, months and tortured us every day.”
but you’ll leave your legacy to your son, what’s sometimes I look for a mark, I call it a ‘mark’ your legacy Rita?” And I realized, oh, it’s that girl because I’m kind of weird, but I will look for And I don’t know if you know much about Al-
Paula who’s a cocaine addict twenty-five years somebody that God wants in the audience Qaeda torture, I had no idea at that time, but it’s
ago that wrote me a letter from rehab saying or the congregation that He wants to put life inconceivable what happened to this guy. He
that she listened to the first song that was ever on. It’s kind of like a radar button, and I’ll look said he would just beg God to kill him at night
published of mine and she was automatically around and be like, okay Lord, that’s the one, and take the breath from his body. Because
delivered from withdrawals. She’s my legacy. I’m gonna pour life on that one. And he was they know how to beat you to a certain point
that one on that particular night. So, I just kind to keep you just enough alive so that they know
I mean hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of moved my body when I sang in his direction you make it through the night, and then they
of letters still in boxes from before email became and I was singing over him without him even interrogate you and beat you the next morning.
a thing, and now files and files and files of knowing what he was getting at all. They were actually rescued by the Navy Seals
testimonies. People that don’t even know that
in a covert operation that he told me about,
the very same thing they were going through He came up to me afterward and he said, “I just this crazy story. He said, “I didn’t want to
was the very same reason why the song was want to share with you my story, I didn’t really come tonight because I don’t think I’ve heard
ever birthed. God doesn’t need a translator want to be here tonight.” I was like, “I could tell,” you this clear since I was held captive.” I said,
when the spirits translating for you. (laughs), and he said, “I haven’t heard you in a “What?” He said, “I would be beaten to a pulp
long time, you were actually one of my favorites and bloody and just lay begging God to take
I’ll never forget I was in Minneapolis, Minnesota and I’ve had all your records. But I work for a my breath, and you would show up.” I was like,
on a very cold wintery night, and I was flown humanitarian organization and what I do is set “What?” And he said, “I can’t explain it to you,
in by a church to do this thing called Embers up refugee camps in war torn countries. I go in, you just stood at the end of my feet and you
in the foyer of this mega church. And they just we scout out the land, we set up the refugee started to sing over my body and by morning I
wanted to do a night of worship, like a night in camp, I staff it, and I stay for six months to see was whole again.”
intersession. So I had a small band with me, it run properly.” He said Somalia was the last 24 August 2019
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