are in your stable and sometimes you use two
or were they back lined?
[Daniel] Those are my amps and that’s my go-
to setup. I come stereo out of my reverb pedal
and run both amps all the time. Sometimes in
the past I’ve come stereo out of a delay into the
reverb, but lately I’ve really liked using a mono
delay signal in, and th en splitting things at the
reverb to go wide. It’s not like the stereo reverb
is doing a ton, but it does feel a little wider.
Since we use in ear monitors I’ll pan one amp
to my left and one to my right and it sounds
great. I love the way that sounds.
The amps are set where they’re breaking up
but they’re kind of in their sweet spot. They’re
not so saturated that I can’t reign them back
in – I like to be able to manipulate them with
pedals at least a little bit. Sometimes if we’re
playing somewhere that’s using backline they’ll
have an AC-30 and a Matchless SC-30 or DC-
30. But if you gave me the English ‘90s/2000s
era Korg British AC30, I know those so well I
can literally just go flip all the settings to where
I want them without ever plugging in. It’s just
such an easy amp, I love that. The SC30 is
similar, it’s Volume, Tone, Cut. Pretty easy.
[WM] Can you cite your go-to AC30 settings
off the top of your head?
[Daniel] Well it’s a little funny. When you stand
there looking at them from the front they’re
upside down. So if you’re standing behind it, I
use the brilliant channel on its loudest output –
Daniel at Red Rocks
the 6 th output AC-30 so I plug into the loudest
full-volume input. If all the way off is 7:00, I
run it at 10:00. Then with the controls, I turn
the Treble all the way off. I’ll turn the Cut and
Bass all the way up to 4:00 or 5:00 so that its
completely dark. Then I’ll just start rolling them
back one at a time until the amp opens up and
sounds really good, usually at 2:00 or 3:00.
But to be honest, on those amps you could put
Treble at 11:00, and put the Bass and Cut at
noon and it would sound great. I like to keep
it dark because I play Teles a lot. It’s an open-
August 2018