The Capo Company
I love my Performance 2 capo
so much that I have one for each guitar!
They are easy to use, very light, and look great.
In my opinion it’s the best capo out there!
Josh Baldwin
Songwriter and Worship Leader with Bethel Church and Bethel Music
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the Boss Giga Delay was the first one I had, sound, and I can set the trails really long with looking at my board thinking, “I wonder what
and obviously the Strymon does it well. That’s long repeats on the delays to get some really else I can do right here?” I know every ounce of
always on my board because we’ve got so good atmospheric tones. So really just a basic what each pedal will do so it has become like
many songs and set lists I don’t want to tap overdrive, a couple of delay options, reverb, a an extension of my body. Really getting to know
them all out so I have a lot of program setting. couple classically voiced Rock guitars – a Les my gear frees me up to play anything I want to
Paul or Tele, into a chimey British EL-84 kind play and I’m not overly concerned with what’s
of amp. down at my feet!
analog delay. Even if it’s digital, just as long as Then another big one for me is a volume pedal, [WM] I came across a photo of the SC30 and
it sounds like analog. The Echo Pro is a really I love that. I never learned the trick of using your your British AC-30, are those both amps that
great one that Line 6 made. They don’t make pinky to back your volume off, it always felt it anymore but you can get one for a hundred unnatural to me. So I use the Les Paul almost dollars and it sounds amazing, I love that pedal as a gain stage, so if the Full-Drive is on and and used it for years and years on the road. I don’t want a totally clean sound, I’ll use the So if you have that and a DD-5 you’re only Full-Drive for a little bit of compression and dirt, into it maybe 200 bucks and you’ve got great but I’ll back the volume off a touch. Then if I sounds. roll the volume pedal back it basically does the
So overdrive pedal, into delay with BPM, then
my next go-to is some sort of warm soupy
same thing as rolling the volume back with your
I use a Boss reverb pedal, called the RV-5, pinky on the guitar so essentially it cleans up for
which you can also get for super cheap. I don’t a picking part or something.
think they make the RV-5 anymore but that’s
the one I really like. There’s a setting I use called I had so many years of getting every sound I
Modulate that sounds like a really nice big airy possibly could out of those five pedals. I’m not
August 2018
Matchless SC 30 • Vox AC30