Blue Amber Photography
them come to the studio and open their eyes to really interesting quality to have as a worship
future possibilities. That’s the kind of stuff that leader. You need to be singing a song, aware
sets brains on fire, so give them a chance. It of the lyrics, and aware of what’s happening
doesn’t have to be taking the first song they musically. You’ve got a music director who’s
write and doing it in church this Sunday. But, talking in your head, pastors off to the side, the
by saying, “I believe in you, you’re gonna crush room. and the congregation you’ve got to read.
it, and we need the songs that are in you, so be So many things happening all at once! When it
a good steward now!” I can’t stress how much comes to leading His people, God prepares us
letting a young person know that you believe in and graces us for it.
them means.
Jad loves finding the guy with his arms crossed
[WM] You have a great blog post on the in the room and locking eyes. Not to make
Hillsong website titled “Leading a Young and them feel awkward, it just means looking at a
Free Generation in Worship”. One of my favorite person and engaging them, letting them know
bullet points includes a quote from Jad Gillies that they’re seen. People often come to church
about not leaving anyone behind. “You leave and think, “I don’t really want to be here. I’m
the ninety-nine behind for me…” right?” Tell us going to sneak in and sneak out. No one is
about what this looks like in the local church, ever going to notice that I was here.” Hopefully
be it big or small. someone would have said hello on their way in
and loved on them.
[Alex] It’s funny, I am so ADD, which is a
Jad Gillies