is probably the simplest song on the record.
Going back to what I said before, I think we’ve
all been through a bit of a trial season. I think
about the Psalms and there are so many verses
where God is teaching David, trialing him to
strengthen his hands for the work, and for
praise. It’s so relevant to us and where we’ve
been. I love this song so much because we so
quickly forget to look back, you know? It’s so
easy to be caught up in everything we’re doing.
What’s the next thing I’m working on? What’s
the next thing I need to do? What’s the next
thing I need to stress about? We so quickly lose
sight of what has happened. The things we’ve
prayed for. The things we’ve hoped for. “Days
Gone By” is about looking back, and seeing
the faithfulness of God. Seeing that He’s been
there working it out. Remembering that I was
crying over this, praying for that. Looking back
at God’s faithfulness. Looking back at what
He’s done.
[WM] You co-wrote “Wake”, “Alive”, “Love
Won’t Let Me Down”, and “Real Love”. As
I look back, I’d have to say that those are
probably my favorite Y&F songs. Most people
don’t wake up one day and start writing ‘hit’ say, “Write another song!” and it would be like, is best. God’s been good, He’s helped me write
worship songs, so who are some of the people “Rip my heart out – tear it into a million pieces!” some okay songs I think. (laughs)
who spoke into your life about writing, and how What’s funny is that we had a conversation the did that impact you? other week and laughed about it because when [WM] What advice do you have for churches
we first wrote “Alive”, I showed it to him and on raising up the next generation of songwriters
[Alex] One thing that I’m so grateful for about he was just kind of like, “I think it sounds like from within their ranks?
the size of the Hillsong team is that people are something else, I don’t know about it man.” It still giving us feedback, still speaking into us, was kind of devastating to me, but at the same [Alex] Just let them be a part of it in whatever
still challenging us on our melodies, our lyrics, time there were other people that did believe ways you possibly can. If you’re a worship
and all that stuff. While I was still in college and in it. team making music, let them in the room. Let
serving in youth, I had a worship pastor who I
served directly under. I would send him songs One thing I’ve learned as a song writer and
all the time. More often than not he would just a worship leader, having peoples’ opinions
be like, “Cool bro, that’s a pretty good idea.” I’d that you value is good. But being confident in
be like, “Yes! What can we do with it?” and he’d yourself, backing yourself, and trusting yourself
“Days Gone By” // Hillsong Y&F “Wake” // Hillsong Y&F
22 August 2018
Karina Wykes