what God has done and what we’ve been able me under his wing, so I think that’s been our and last year that were reflective of who we are
to be a part of with Hillsong United. whole story, looking after the next generation. and what we were always passionate about,
I think that’s maybe been the most beautiful and just getting back to those basics.
[WM] It’s hard to believe that Everyday, the thing with United, the different seasons of life first United album came out in 1999. You guys with different people. It has been something [WM] At the time of this interview, the video
have been doing this for twenty years, that’s a they’ve really been able to pour into. for “Whole Heart” already has over six million
lifetime for some of the folks who are reading
views (now twelve). It’s a really lovely song that
this. Can you walk us through the history Obviously, we got new guys who aren’t ‘new’ can clearly stand on its own. That said, United’s
starting with the Powerhouse Youth? anymore, they’ve been here a few years. We’ve immense popularity also plays a part in the
got Hillsong Young & Free, and have given number of views. Are there ever times that you
[Matt Crocker] So I came into the picture them a chance to have their own voice and feel like people are drawn in by popularity rather
a little after that. United has always been, like their own sound. We realized quite quickly that than the message?
JD said, the band came out of the Youth group it was going to be something that they needed at Hillsong Church. Through that, have been to do on their own, with us there helping them [JD] I think for us it’s more about the hunger
younger guys coming through like myself. I was however we could, but just letting them kind of for worship and people identifying with the
playing drums in youth, and somehow Joel run with it. I feel like our sound at the moment is heart of what we do and the authenticity. The
and Marty caught on to the fact that I was a something that’s touching on those old school heart behind what we do, literally everything,
songwriter and they asked me to hear some United songs that people will remember and comes from a place where we want to honor
songs. That’s always going to be the thing for love, and we’ve gone back to that raw energy and glorify God because we’ve encountered
us, is bringing people in. United started with that we used to have. Not that we’d ever lost it, Him. Through a relationship with Jesus, He has
Reuben, and he was the guy that kind of took but we wanted to create some songs this year changed everything for us. So, the songs are
April 2019
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