do the best we can and we use that to start take time with the audience. You know, we’ll we are found doubting. The reason I say that
very honest conversations about a Jesus who hold their hand and we’ll talk with them during is because I see the disciples and Jesus as
is not absent, but is very present through the the show and they’ll talk with us. We’ll laugh people and that’s what they were like. Jesus
Holy Spirit in a world that desperately needs and we’ll shout and we’ll cry. We’ll change never rejects to them because of that. You
Him today. the set list in the middle of the set. We might know, He sees their doubt and He leans into
change format or how we play it. You’ll never that and says, “Let Me show you.” I think it’s a
For this record, we recorded it live in the studio. see a We Are Messengers show the same beautiful thing when we admit to the world that
It was seven guys standing in the room for five twice; it just doesn’t happen. We trust that God we’re hurt and we’re broken and that our view
or six days just hammering through song ideas. is able to work His plans within the show much of God is big.
So, everything you hear on the record is raw. better than the ones that we had planned or There is very little post-production on that. thought of. So we make room for the Holy Spirit You know, we didn’t want any more barriers to come in there.
between the music and Jesus. We just started
[WM] Tell about writing The Devil is a Liar?
[Darren] (laughs) That’s a fun one! That’s
from that place where we said, “Let’s just be [WM] Which song that you’ve recorded is the one of our favorite songs to play live. The goal
honest with the songs.” most special to you… the most authentic? of that song was just to remind us about the
voices always whispering to us that we’re not
Then when it comes to the shows, it’s really [Darren] Yeah, I think “Maybe It’s Ok”. I think enough or we’re this or we’re that. You know, I
different when on an arena tour like I’m currently that is the song that I’ve been looking for… for don’t choose to believe him any more because
on. You know, you have to be really respectful a long, long time. You know, maybe it’s OK if I he never told me anything truthful. The only one
of everyone else’s time. But when we do our struggle with mental health, if the people I love who can tell me who I am is the King of kings
headlining shows, it’s just really prophetic. We’ll struggle with it. Maybe it’s OK if sometimes and the Lord of lords. The enemy comes to
April 2019
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