Driven By Love Obedience Every Nation
[Lindy] It’s still new for us. We knew we song. Obedience is a phrase that we have said to lose my life and find it in Jesus Christ”. And
needed help because we don’t feel necessarily in our movement for a long time, “Jesus, I’ll love the song “Driven by Love”. A lot of them are a
called to run a label. We love Bethel, they’re our you with my yes and my obedience”, and I just reflection of our surrender and when we said
friends and they were like, “Man, how can we always thought that had to be a song. So my “yes” to God. Every time I’ve really given it all
help you guys?” And they said, “We’re kind of friend Angela Pinkston, she kind of wrote the and said, “Jesus I give you my fresh surrender”.
dreaming of starting a second label”. And we first version, and we bounced back and I was It’s always joy on the other side. My first prayer
thought it seemed like a really good fit because like, “What about this?” And she said, “Yes, is that people find an overwhelming eternal joy
although it would have been an honor to be that’s it!” Once we had the chorus nailed down - not of this world - in this album.
a Bethel Music artist, I think this is a reroute and the melody and everything, the next part where I can still be faithful to Circuit Riders. Not “Lose my life” was a spontaneous chorus from The second thing is just a boldness and an
that I couldn’t be a Bethel Music artist, but I just Kona like seven years ago (which is the bridge). awareness of the days we’re living in. So often
really had to press into God and ask. And He We just put the verses around it to set it up. I it’s easy to get caught up in our western world,
felt that it was right to partner with Heritage, know the pre-chorus is a little bit wordy, but I’d and our comforts, and our churches. And we
their sub label. It’s new and it’s fun so we’re just rather risk it being a little bit wordy and have forget that people are being persecuted for
taking it step by step. the revelation be able to go deeper than just a being followers of Jesus every day all over the
two-line verse. world. I’m passionate about writing songs that
[WM] “Obedience” is a powerful song as well
even just help us pray, “Jesus, who would have
as “Driven by Love”. Were these both born in [WM] What do you want to impart to others been driven by love… carry me to the end of
those spontaneous moments? through the whole record Driven By Love? the earth”. That’s one of my biggest prayers as
well, that people would have a heart to pray for
[Lindy] Yeah, “Driven by Love” is from a full [Lindy] The first thing is joy. Some of the
spontaneous moment that we turned into a messages are intense, you know? “It’s my joy
April 2019
the nation, and go if God is calling them.
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