the spirit, and God’s always moving. So I think an increase of outbreak of spirit, healing, the albums to keep everything live. I am a stickler for
what drove us to campuses was that we were ultimate miracle that is salvation… people no overdubs, because to me if we’re going to
hearing crazy statistics. Suicide, date rape, you getting saved. do overdubs, let’s do a studio album. So when
name it, and it was just outrageous, your jaw
the album was done, there’s always so many
is dropping. You don’t need to go overseas Last year was our seventh year, and it was spontaneous moments to go through. That’s
anymore to go into a hard, dark place. I think crazy because it was the first time spontaneous the hardest part for me. Like can’t we just do a
people will always be called overseas in the baptism started breaking out. So now it’s like a whole separate spontaneous album? (laughs)
missions, but I think there is a need here. normal thing, people get baptized on campus at So that was the hardest part, just going into
Carry the Love. But the first time that happened the studio and really picking through takes. You
Eight years ago, we did our first event at USC was last year. People were like, “I want to get get about three takes of every song, so picking
and we were shocked. God moved on our baptized. I’m saved, I’m a different person.” what spontaneous parts are right for the album.
behalf and over a thousand students showed People would just go to school fountains and it I actually got a cold during the album recording
up and a hundred and fifty gave their lives to was outrageous, it was so crazy to see this raw so I ended up having to over dub a little bit.
the Lord. No one knew who we were, and God authentic power of the Gospel. When it’s not I was fighting it, but went and looked into it
used that event to say, “Do you perceive the watered down and it’s true, that’s when it can a little bit and it was like you could hear my
harvest is ready?” And we were like, “Well, we pierce through people’s hearts. So that’s what sniffling. So I did have to do some overdubs.
sure do now!” (laughs) we’re seeing on campuses and it’s blowing our We recorded it live in Southern California with
minds. Thunderbird Studios, and they’re amazing.
It’s all organic, we do work with other ministries.
It was a quick turnaround, we recorded it in
We love it, it’s all student led and everything we [WM] When you recorded this new project do is on student partnership. The reason why Driven By Love you captured the live moments we do that is because when we leave we don’t and then went in and wrapped it up in the [WM] Tell us about getting involved at Bethel?
want it to end, we want students to carry out studio. Tell us about that process? What is Heritage Music? You are the first artist
the gospel, carry the fire, and carry what God
is doing. So, what we’re seeing is definitely
October and November.
on this imprint label.
[Lindy] We definitely try when we do live
April 2019
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