in the track, things like that, so it’s a collective
using tracks. (laughs)
the song and not get derailed if your tracks fail
effort. Also working with our sound guy, with
or if anything happens. I think knowing that
the percussion stuff I’ll route it separately so [WM] Is there a checklist of sorts you suggest takes the pressure off a little bit. If we ever do
they can control the tambourines and shakers people go through to prevent train wrecks from mess up, or if someone get’s off the track or
on a different fader than the rest of the BGV’s happening in the first place? arrangement, we can stop the track. The click
and synth parts. So that’s how we navigate
through that.
will still be going but we all know that we need
[DW] You want to make sure all of your routing to play a little fuller or fill in the gaps where the
is correct, you want to make sure the worship tracks normally would be.
[WM] Were you at all freaked out the first leader is not going to change the key right time you did it for fear of train-wrecking the before a sound check, and if they do make [DC] We would practice messing up. With
whole team? sure your track is in the right key. You know, tracks, we would actually do rehearsal where
there’s sort of a checklist like that, making sure we would practice misfiring something. So the
[DW] One hundred percent, and I have failed the cues are in the right channel, the click is in drummer, while we were in mid song, maybe
many times doing tracks. (laughs) I have started the right channel, everything is routed correctly, we would practice where the singer just goes
the wrong song, I’ve transposed songs to the those are kind of the first steps. Then for the to the bridge slightly early, or does something
wrong key, all of the above, I have done it all. I’ve worship leader, I think being flexible and being crazy like that… where we would be ready to
learned a lot over the past few years running able to repeat a verse or repeat a chorus if play anything. Like you said, don’t be a slave
tracks in a worship setting, so I’ve become very they are feeling it, giving them that option is to the tracks, we would practice doubling a
attentive to all of the details in what’s going out beneficial. Also knowing that you shouldn’t be bridge or accidentally going to the chorus.
and what people are hearing. I’ve routed the a slave to the track, so if you get off the track, What would we do in that moment? Because
click to front of house, I’ve done all the things or if the worship leader just abandons all things you can practice for getting it right, but you
that you can do to mess up a church service arrangement, you have the ability to still play can also practice for getting it wrong and just
April 2019
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