tracks and I left the vocal track in or something,
either restart or keep trucking through.
the other musicians on stage feed, so my pack
which has happened, so I’ll stop the track and
communicate with the worship leader that we
isn’t that loud at the beginning when we’re just
[WM] DC, what about you?
doing gains, I don’t want my ears to get blown
need to restart. Usually the worship leader will
out. I don’t make changes until they make the
just tell the people that we’re going to try it again, [DC] and usually it’s endearing and funny when we yesterday. good same thing when switching to a different bass, I
have to do that, we’re not above admitting that comparison of me preparing for tour versus won’t start playing that bass until I can tell how
our worship sets aren’t perfect. (laughs) We me preparing for church, with church you loud it is compared to the last one I just used.
want to do our best and bring excellence, but have the most variety of musicians coming it’s not the end of the world if we have to restart and going every weekend. The church I was [WM] Per your interview in last month’s issue,
a song due to a track malfunction, or even if at yesterday, a different bass player had played you’ve got way more than just a few triggers
a guitar player starts a song in the wrong key, the weekend before. I’m sure with most of going on back there. Can you walk us through
we can just stop and restart and get back on the musicians on stage it was a completely what you’re using?
the same page. Usually everyone laughs and different group of people from last week, so all is happy and it can break down some walls in of our gain settings, volume settings, different [DW] A few non-traditional drum items that I
the room even. I’m happy to stop and restart guitars, different drummer, and all they do use are a Roland SPD-SX, and I use it mainly
if there is about to be a train wreck. I’ve had (FOH) is just load up the scene from last week. to play different sounds that are either from the
times where my whole monitor system has Before I even play a note, I want to make sure album or that I created on my own… different
gone out right before a big chorus on a track that I’m not blowing anybody away, because samples. It helps to give a different layer and
heavy song, and I’ll just stop the track and keep my bass volume might be louder or quieter a different sound more tailored to the song or
playing the drums and kind of watch the rhythm than the person last week. So, before I start to the set. It helps to add some new flair to an
of an acoustic guitar player. There are plenty of ripping it I make sure I do a quiet check, so old idea.
times where you just have to get creative and I’m always careful of that. I’m also careful of
gain changes and then I go from there. I do the
I run tracks using Ableton Live and a MacBook
Pro, and I use a Novation Launchpad to launch
the tracks. For example, depending on what
team we have on a Sunday, if we don’t have
a keys player Sunday I would most likely leave
the keys part in the tracks just to help fill out
the song. I have to option to take out different
instruments that we have or that we can play
live. So that’s what I use the computer for.
[WM] DW, does that mean that in addition
to drums you’re now responsible for drums
and choosing which tracks will and won’t
be played?
[DW] I play a double role as music director
and drummer, so it depends on the song.
If we have the players to play the parts, as a
standard we would take out the tracks so we
can play it live. If we don’t have those players
then we’ll just put that stuff in the tracks. And it
varies, sometimes a worship leader will have a
pretty strong opinion, if their vocals are feeling
rough they’ll maybe want to turn up the BGV’s
in the tracks, or they keys player could not
have the patch for a song and want to leave it
April 2019
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