we do is to help people, and we do that with each play in terms of creating an atmosphere humility, we do that with selflessness. of worship? Obviously, we’re not perfect and the church [Matt] Words for us have always been around that whole picture of lyric and Bible, it just
is full of people, so it’s got a long way to go. something that we want to make sure are props it up in a way that can emotionally attach
The church is about God and about people, so Bible-based for a start, because we feel like itself to someone. I’m really bad when it comes
because United is an extension of the church, there is no better truth than that of God and to lyrics with hearing them and remembering
these albums are about God and they’re about His word. We actually have a bit of a process in them, I’ve always been melody and music. So
people. We want to glorify God, we want to help the church that when we write a song, we have I’ll be in the car and my wife will know every
people, and I think the best way you can help two pastors that help us out theologically with single lyric to some song that I’ve heard twenty
people is to point them to God. For us, I think our lyrics. I feel like we’ve gotten way better times, and she’s heard it only once or twice. I’m
we just try to keep that really simple, and part over the years. We used to have a lot of issues attracted to melody, I have been since I started
of that is we want to have a lot of fun along the where we’d just say things because we felt like writing. To me it’s just taking that lyric, which is
way and we don’t want to take ourselves too they were awesome to say and then we would contradictory to what I just said, but it should be
seriously, and that is one of the key heartbeat find out they were probably not the right things the lyrics being attached to this melody that’s
DNA’s of our church. to say (laughs). But over time we’ve grown in going to attach itself to someone’s heart. Music
God. It’s Gods words and our answer.
The music for me is just something that wraps
the word of God, so for us we’ve found ways is a universal thing, and I think it’s God’s gift
[WM] You guys have that ‘Bono-like’ ability of taking poetic license within that, while still to planet earth. Music has its way of attaching
to use a small number of words to maximum banging on the Bible and pointing people itself to everyone, no matter where they are, no
effect. That said, the music is equally amazing. towards the truth. Our main objective with any matter what culture they’re in!
Can you describe the role the words and music song is that the lyrics are actually the word of
April 2019
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