everyone went off to their classes the last two [JD] The DNA at our church is about God the Sunday school answer or like a cliché. But
people in the room were Joel Houston and and people, and that could kind of sound like that obviously comes from the scriptures when
myself. As Joel was walking off to presumably Jesus was quizzed about what was the greatest
teach a class, he stopped dead in his tracks, commandment and He says, “To love the lord
turned around and greeted me with a simple, God with all your heart and strength and to love
but thoroughly expressive, “Hey”, which is your neighbors as yourself.” So you could sum
affectionately coined the ‘Houston Hey’. That that up by going to the heart of our church,
simple gesture said many things that has which is the heart of being a follower of Christ,
stayed with me through the years. DNA is built to love God and to love people. Out of that
and walked out from the top down. What would
you like to share on this subject?
comes everything that we actually do. Worship
Hillsong United // “As You Find Me”
April 2019
101 should be to glorify God. Everything that
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