Worm'ag: Worm Farming Magazine Issue 01 - December 2016 | Page 14


hammer out a handful of articles – so there is some useful content on that site as well.

So I think I am viewed more as a “worm business owner” than as a crazy, passionate worm-head, educator type.

A funny way to put it perhaps, but I think my Canadian website (and business in general) is a lot more reserved, just like I myself am in “real life.” I haven’t put in ANY effort to develop my vermicomposting persona up here – and in a lot of ways I almost avoid the spotlight and turn down a lot of opportunities for speaking, workshops, fair booths, etc.

This is likely why the RWC online platform is so important to me!

Wrapping Up Part I

Bentley is a normal dude who just didn’t let a little hardship get in his way.

He’s a self-described introvert, “painfully shy” as he puts it, so he chose to focus on an online, rather than a physical presence.

He bounced back from a potentially costly mistake to discover his “bread and butter” product.

He doesn’t have a ton of space for vermicomposting and vermiculture, so he wisely uses the space he does have and employs some innovative culturing techniques like the Paley Method to grow more worms in less space.

He struggles to write sometimes, but does quite a bit of it anyways, and we’re all the better for it.

He’s never stopped learning.

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Access the two next parts of the Interview with Bentley Christie.

Big thanks to Urban Worm Companie for this great interview. Check part II and part III on their website:

The Urban Worm Network

The Urban Worm Network is a list of vermicomposter from around the world. It includes professional worm farmers but also the domestic vermicomposter. If you are after some compost worms, hit their website above and checkout the Urban Worm Network.

The Urban Worm Calculator

Are you running or planning to run a worm business? Sooner or later you will be asking yourself questions about worm population growth, vermicomposting capacity or financial value. Those numbers requires some mathematical gymnastics and if you want to spare yourself some headaches then Steve Churchil from the Urban Worm Company has a great calculator made for you!

Enter some worm and business data and the calculator does the maths for you and gives very useful numbers. The calculator support metric and imperial metrics and 8 different currencies. The tool is supported by text and video tutorials, you can print your projected goal and tweak the input to see how it affect the end result.

Get your numbers now

The Urban Worm Calculator.