I know for sure that the switch over to a single, larger bag of “Easy Worm Mix” has definitely helped – and it’s nice to see that it not only didn’t hurt sales, but it actually may have provided an extra boost (but I’m sure there are a variety of factors at play).
A Little About Red Worm Composting
UWC: How does the Red Worm Composting site affect sales for your physical business? Is it a brand awareness thing or do you see a fair amount of referral traffic from RWC to your Worm Composting Canada site?
BC: I’ve honestly never really taken the time to figure out how much of my WCC traffic comes over from RWC. There are some obvious cases where someone actually orders from RWC and I refund them and refer them to the other site, and they then place an order there. But a lot of the time I’m not really sure how a customer has been referred to WormComposting.ca.
While I DO like to think I treat my Canadian business as a “real business” – to be perfectly honest, there is a LOT more I could be doing with it. As I think I touched on in another response, I love keeping it as a nice little side biz that doesn’t suck up all my time (yet still provides a very important source of income).
Regardless of how people arrive, I DO like to make sure that they are aware of RWC, since there are a lot of helpful articles, as well as various information products they may also be interested in.
UWC: What is the post or posts you’ve had the most fun writing?
BC: Hmmm…that’s a tough one. Not sure there have been too many situations where I have actually had a lot of “fun” writing a post!
Sounds bad, I know – but writing has never come easy to me, so a lot of the time it’s been a matter of fighting my way through it.
The "Creepy Pants" in action
The “Creepy Pants” in action
(Let that be a lesson to all those of you who think you can’t create a website just because you’re “not a good writer”)
It’s safe to say that most of my satisfaction comes as I press “publish”! Haha
I guess if forced to come up with something, I might pick the “Creepy Pants Vermicomposter” series:
The Creepy Pants Vermicomposter
Creep Pants Update
Moldy Creep Pants
The Pants Come Off
Sounds bad, I know – but writing has never come easy to me, so a lot of the time it’s been a matter of fighting my way through it.
(Let that be a lesson to all those of you who think you can’t create a website just because you’re “not a good writer”)
It’s safe to say that most of my satisfaction comes as I press “publish”! Haha
I guess if forced to come up with something, I might pick the “Creepy Pants Vermicomposter” series:
The Creepy Pants Vermicomposter
UWC: Bentley! This a family website!
With that admonishment out of the way, which post unexpectedly resonated with your audience?
BC: I think the biggest surprised might have been my original Vermicomposting Trench post.vermicomposting trench
It ended up getting shared on social media sites, and really gained a lot of attention, on Pinterest in particular. I think I expected that there would be a fair number of people interested in it – but definitely NOT to that extent!
UWC: I think most Americans know you as the guy behind redwormcomposting.com but who also sells worms. How do you think Canadians see you?
BC: Interesting question – and it ties in closely with one you asked earlier.
I’ve often wondered the same thing, and I think a big part of my motivation to make sure my WCC customers know about RWC relates to the fact that I think it helps to establish my credibility.
I haven’t put NEARLY the same effort into content creation on the WCC website, although I do seem to go through phases where I am inspired to hammer out a handful of articles – so there is some useful content on that site as well.