Our words are the most powerful tool we have . Our words can build each other up and / or tear each other down . We must be careful when we choose our words . Once a word is spoken it is born and becomes alive . People are held to their word . Years ago a word was a form of contract without a necessary written document . When people get married they take vows ( say words ), when government officials or departments are instated they take oaths ( say words ). When we are hired into new a position or take a new job there is usually a moral |
conduct that includes the appropriate language allowed in the work environment . Our culture is molded around the words that we speak and how we honor them . I want to encourage everyone today to speak of positive things and try to be a positive influence in those lives around them . If you are having a rough day , share some kind words with another person . Turn a negative into a positive and reflect on the way it changes your perspective . You will not be disappointed . I don ' t want you to get the wrong |
idea that I live in LaLa Land and everything is dandy , because I have issues too . For example , I go to a job I don ' t like every day , however after being unemployed for most of last year , I know it is better than getting up and not going to a job at all . Even though I am feeling negative , I turn it around into a positive and choose not to expose myself to words that could harm me or others . Christ spoke of love and showed it unconditionally and honestly to everyone he encountered . God made us in His image . We are |
capable of becoming Christ like and it can begin with the blessings that come out of our mouths each day . May God Bless you and all those you encounter .....
Marcie McGallagher Mobile , Alabama MarcieMcGallagher @ gmail . com