World Wide Christians Magazine June 8 2013 | Page 3

Volume 1 , Issue 2
Page 3
A Present Help in Time of Need
Faith has found me Again Destined to win Destined to doubt Holding fast to promises Holding fast to fear Torn Determined Destined to win Joy has found me Once again Standing my ground Finding my smile Finding courage to press forward Tears soaking my pillow Gratitude Hope Faith has found me Once again Destined to win
I call :
Psalms 119:25-32 KJV Paraphrased My soul cleaves unto the dust : quicken me according to your word . I have declared my ways , and you heard me : Teach me your statutes . Make me to understand the ways of your precepts : So shall I talk of your wondrous works . My soul melts for heaviness : Strengthen me according to your word . Remove from me the way of lying : and grant me your law graciously . I have chosen the way of truth : Your judgments have I laid before me . I have stuck unto your testimonies : O , Lord , put me not to shame . I will run the way of your commandments , when you shall enlarge my heart .
He answers … and comes to my rescue .
Isaiah 41:10 KJV Fear thou not ; for I am with thee : Be not dismayed ; for I am thy God : I will strengthen thee ; yea , I will help thee ; yea , I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness . Joyful Noiz Ministries © 2013
Audrey Semprun Prescott , Arizona Semprunfa @ cableone . net
Just a Word on Words ...
Our words are the most powerful tool we have . Our words can build each other up and / or tear each other down . We must be careful when we choose our words . Once a word is spoken it is born and becomes alive . People are held to their word . Years ago a word was a form of contract without a necessary written document . When people get married they take vows ( say words ), when government officials or departments are instated they take oaths ( say words ). When we are hired into new a position or take a new job there is usually a moral
conduct that includes the appropriate language allowed in the work environment . Our culture is molded around the words that we speak and how we honor them . I want to encourage everyone today to speak of positive things and try to be a positive influence in those lives around them . If you are having a rough day , share some kind words with another person . Turn a negative into a positive and reflect on the way it changes your perspective . You will not be disappointed . I don ' t want you to get the wrong
idea that I live in LaLa Land and everything is dandy , because I have issues too . For example , I go to a job I don ' t like every day , however after being unemployed for most of last year , I know it is better than getting up and not going to a job at all . Even though I am feeling negative , I turn it around into a positive and choose not to expose myself to words that could harm me or others . Christ spoke of love and showed it unconditionally and honestly to everyone he encountered . God made us in His image . We are
capable of becoming Christ like and it can begin with the blessings that come out of our mouths each day . May God Bless you and all those you encounter .....
Marcie McGallagher Mobile , Alabama MarcieMcGallagher @ gmail . com