World Wide Christians Magazine June 22 2013 | Page 6

Page 6
World Wide Christians

Debt Continued from pg . 5

working their way back towards Him . Repentance plays a roll here too . Turning headlong from your bad past decisions and getting away from them as fast as possible , I believe are admirable to God . You are showing you are in earnest in seeking Him and will go the extra mile to atone for your past mistakes . I would encourage this action to all those who have fallen into the cultural call to debt and owning things you cannot afford . It is the step my husband and I have taken to get closer to God and we are proud to say our progress has been good . We believe God has blessed us because He sees we have learned the truth and now are working hard to fix what we once thought was right and now know to be wrong , and I know God will bless you too .
I don ' t believe taking out debt for school or housing is “ ok ” according to God either . When he says that all debt is wrong and leads to death , then He means just that . School is not worth of the money a student must put into it , and houses are not worth the money you will have to borrow if you jump into them prematurely . There is a glorified order to life that God has given us , and we are called to live that order and not deviate because that is what God asks of us .
Frank Huffman High Point , NC Frank . t . huffman @ gmail . com

All That We Need

I done ran through the streets searching for love . Thought the bud would get me high enough to deal with my lust . Thought the stress of living in this world was more than enough . It had me cuffed , and fighting condemnation was tough . I thought I won for a little while and started to strut . Like I can live higher than the sin deep in my gut , But I was wrong , thinking I could do it alone , Self-righteous had me gone , I was singing along To the enemy song , I was living a lie Thinking I ’ m fly , and works kept catching my eye So when I slipped up and fell and committed a sin Thought it separated me from my Father again Thought I had to make it up by being a saint Really I can ’ t , God took sin to the bank And he cashed out grace , so we can be free No shame or guilty C , He ’ s all that we need !