World Wide Christians Magazine June 15 2013 | Page 8

V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 3
Page 8
Daniel Jacks Gadsden , Alabama Danieljacks464 @ gmail . com
U s e Y o u r E x p e r i e n c e
Now days experience is everything , and the only way to get experience is to do it . Most jobs only want to hire people with experience that pertains to their field . Same with Christ he uses us in certain places to reach out to a certain group of people who are in the same or similar situations in which we have experience in .
Our past allows us to look back and see what all God has done in our lives . No matter what you were doing or who you were , you have a powerful testimony that God will use to reach out to others that are going through the same thing He has delivered you from .
We are all different , but we ‘ ve all been through similar things , similar trials , hard times , etc ...
A lot of times we let our past predict our future . We have this idea of who we are in our minds and think this is who we are because this is who we have always been . Which is not true the Bible says “ My people are being destroyed from lack of knowledge .” The knowledge that tells them they can change , they can do good things and that Christ really truly is there for them and loves them unconditionally is in our testimonies .
Our testimonies are the most powerful form of disciplining . Some are ashamed of their past , though the Bible says not to be ashamed of anything . If you ' re ashamed you ' re living in fear , though the Bible also says to fear nothing .
We should do what we are called to do and that ’ s testify , but testify the truth because someone with the knowledge of the word and the experience of a lost soul can move people that others can ’ t touch . .