W o r l d W i d e C h r i s t i a n s N e w s l e t t e r
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T a k e a n d E a t
We often hear of organizations telling us that there are people in other parts of the world who are dying unnecessarily due to a lack of medicine , vaccines and clean drinking water . Their plea to us is that they could be so easily helped , and the diseases cured , if only we could get the needed things -that are already available- to them . I agree . What a pity for them to lose their lives due to illnesses that are preventable and curable ! These people recognize their state and their need , and want the help which they would gladly welcome and receive if they could get it .
But , let ’ s take that a step further . What about the world ’ s eternal souls ? Do they not find themselves in the same situation ? There ’ s a cure for this too , and it ’ s already been provided and paid for . It was done by Jesus Christ on the cross and with His blood . Do people want this eternal cure ? Apparently not .
What if the World Health Organization ( WHO ) or some other worthwhile group was to fund , deliver and distribute vaccines , medicine , food , clean drinking water and mosquito nets right to their doors . Would they refuse ? Of course not ! If this , while important , is readily sought after and accepted , why do people in every nation and of every class say no to salvation ? Could it be that they don ’ t realize their condition ( their state and need ) or they just don ’ t want it ? I believe it ’ s both , even though it ’ s incredulous .
Lord , open our eyes and give us the grace to see our need and to respond to it . The time to act is now . Today is the day of salvation . Jesus , You are coming soon . Help us to take and eat freely in this time of great darkness before it ’ s too late . Thank You !
Ken Reynolds Birmingham , Alabama ken _ reynolds @ live . com
G r a c e t o R e t u r n
God ' s grace is a beautiful thing . You have to cling to his Word , not your simple mistakes . ' Cause everyday there ' s new grace , how much will it take ? To realize that your sin can ' t get in the way . Nothing separates , us , from His love , Romans 8 . There ' s no debate . So slow your pace , and sit and pray . It ' s not a race . You ' ve got " Martha ' s " running around , trying to fix everything and their souls ' wearing down . There ' s a better way ! It ' s not deeds and performance , got to give up control but we all seem to want it . Lord , have your way . Speak life to these dead bones . It gets tough like that " D " in the redzone . Don ' t get tossed in the wind . Just repent when you sin and make it right with the man . Return .
Frank Huffman High Point , NC Frank . t . huffman @ gmail . com