V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 3 Page 2
S a l v a t i o n ( c o n t i n u e d f r o m p g . 1 )
real estate a few times a year in your salvation then don ’ t act surprised when your children ’ s choice is that of the 52 % of the world , and don ’ t be surprised when that number turns into a much larger one . We as Christians don ’ t understand our influence we have an influence one way or the other . If we act now and stand up and truly represent Christ then we turn that 48 % into a higher number if we set back and just attend church then act and live however then we influence that number to increase . When God showed me the scripture from Hebrews this week I didn ’ t know where He was going with it , but I think it is clear that we need to look at how we are as a Christian and apply salvation . See we have downloaded salvation and we say “ look everybody I have salvation ” but now it ’ s time to install it and see what that can do once it ’ s running . May God bless you
J u s t a W o r d o n W o r d s
Last week I wrote about the power of words . If I may , I would like to elaborate just a bit on the subject as I did not mention the exact reference matter which directly prove that our words are alive once they are spoken . For instance , in Genesis , when God said , “ Let there be light ”... there was light . Later we can all recall the story of God telling Abraham that he and his elderly wife Sarah would bear a son and it happened . Much later , in Mark 10:25 , Jesus commanded a mute and deaf spirit to remove itself from a young boy and never return . Thus it was so . In fact so many prayers and miraculous words became truth that in , John 21:25 , the Bible states that “ Jesus did many other things as well . ( And ) if every one of them were written down , ... even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written .” But it wasn ' t only God and Jesus that spoke powerful words . The Apostles performed many miraculous acts with words as well . Some of these are documented in the Acts of the Apostles , of course the Gospels and all throughout the Bible . We too have the ability to speak life or death over others . Our words can be blessings , tools , or weapons . It is up to our God given free will as to what we choose to use them for . Today we often refer to things that are unexplainable as coincidences . Perhaps you have overheard someone talking about something and a few days later the same thing happens to you . This sort of thing happens to me all of the time . Which is why I have to be very careful who I surround myself with and what I expose myself to . It ' s really no secret that our words control our destiny and those destined around us . All you have to do is start paying closer attention to the power of words . Personally if I encounter too much negativity it begins to overcome my thoughts and my thoughts turn into words and my words turn into action and so on and so on ...... I ' m too sensitive to be vulnerable . I have to keep myself strong through reading the Word of God . I want to encourage everyone today to remain in love and acquire the purest heart that you can . Confess your sins , ask for forgiveness , pray to be a blessing in someone ’ s life and give Glory to God . After all in , John 15:7 , Jesus even said , “ If you remain in me and my words remain in you , ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you .”
Marcie McGallagher Mobile , Alabama
MarcieMcGallagher @ gmail . com
May God Bless you and all those you encounter .....