World Wide Christians Magazine June 15 2013

W o r l d W i d e C h r i s t i a n s N e w s l e t t e r
V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 3
W o r l d W i d e C h r i s t i a n s N e w s l e t t e r
J u n e 1 5 t h 2 0 1 3
I n s i d e t h i s i s s u e :
J u s t a W o r d o n W o r d s
S o n g S t o r i e s 3
Randall Haltom Greensboro , North Carolina randallhaltom @ gmail . com
T a l k i n g O v e r t h e F e n c e
G r a c e H a s F o u n d M e : J u s t a s I A m
S a v i n g S i n - n e r s
R e f l e c t i o n s 6
T a k e a n d E a t
G r a c e t o R e - t u r n
U s e Y o u r E x - p e r i e n c e
S p e c i a l p o i n t s o f i n t e r e s t :
� Just a Word on Words pt . 2 pg . 2
� Song Stories Series pg . 3
� Poem Page pg . 5
� We ’ re on the Web pg . 9
� Note From Pastor pg . 9
S a l v a t i o n
Are you saved ? I repeat are you saved or do you just think you ’ re saved ? If you know that you ’ re saved then I ask do you act like it . For so long Christians have took a back seat to “ The World ” as we Christians call it . We allow it to speak and act whichever way it pleases and in return we will set back with our arms folded and do nothing or even worse feed into it . I remember in high school I was a part of the FCA ( Fellowship of Christian Athletes ) and I can remember all those kids who claimed being saved and partied and lived “ of the world ”. Well once a year we would have the FCA Retreat and the speakers who would share testimonies were always fired up . You would see a 30 to 40 teens crying and rededicating their lives just to come back to that same life style . Well those teens are now adults and I see them through social media and here we are again in need of another retreat . I say all this because we represent Christ if you claim the salvation of Jesus Christ then you are the face of Christianity . Your Facebook post and your Tweets and your lifestyle is what determines how others see Christianity . People look at being saved like eating a sandwich it ’ s no big deal . The Bible says this in Hebrews 2:1-3 “ We must pay the most careful attention , therefore , to what we have heard , so that we do not drift away . For since the message spoken through angels was binding , and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment , how shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation ? This salvation , which was first announced by the Lord , was confirmed to us by those who heard him .” That is deep and serious and official and life changing . That is light beaming into a dark room . We have to reevaluate our lives and alter bad habits . If you are reading this and you know that this is referring to you then I urge you to open the word get inside it pray and just spend some time talking to God . I think as Christians we all find ourselves a bit off track from time to time . I myself could list a bunch of reasons and excuses , but we have to realize that the excuses need to stop and the real Christian movement needs to take place . I was recently watching an episode of Larry King Now on Hulu and he was interviewing Reading Rainbow host LeVar Burton and Bill Nye the Science Guy host Bill Nye . Larry asked if they were surprised that 48 % of people believe in the Bible . They both seemed to disagree with the Bible and Christianity and seemed shocked at the number . I was shocked it was that low as time marches on fewer and fewer people believe , and with that 52 % who do not believe having influence over you and I we must secure and show our salvation . We have the answer to lives problems but people don ’ t just want to see that in you at Christmas and Easter . Christianity isn ’ t how you are it should be who you are . Christianity is choice and when chosen it should be the description of your lifestyle . For parents reading this with younger kids your life and your actions will more than likely be that of your kids . So if you only have temporary
