World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 65

World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 65 other gated items will be included. Freckleface: I see them slowly taking away a lot of the convenience features that have been added through the years. Have group will travel is already gone, and I think they’ve always regretted giving us flying. Despite anyone’s gut reaction to being slowed down, I think they want to get back to the basics to make the world feel more epic and immersive. WHAT’S YOUR HOPES/ WOULD-LOVE-TO-SEE IN WOD? Rewt: My hopes lie in the CHANGE WOW AND BLIZZARD? Rewt: It’s difficult to tell. expansion of the and Blizzard definitely uses an “embrace mobile client. I truly believe Blizzard good thing, for both the Blizzard, and extend” ideology for World of is missing out on a huge audience by and for Greg and Rob. I personally Warcraft. They are able to look at not expanding the features available feel that when a person has been what other “WoW Killer” projects to it’s player base when they are working on a project for such a long are doing successfully, and then outside of the game. Anything time that things in the project are implement that in the World that could save time would be being done a particular way and the of Warcraft. I do see the game heralded as a massive breakthrough only reason given for doing those implementing more “catch up” for Blizzard - crafting, in-game things in that manner is because features. I firmly believe that as new mail, fishing, hearthing, or even “that’s how X likes it”, it’s time expansions arrive, and the level gnomish/goblin virtual teleporting to move on. New environments cap is increased, we’ll be able to abilities on the mobile or battle. are good for everybody. purchase a character boost to the net client would be fantastic. Rewt: I see the change as a Freckleface: I’ve always maximum character level of the Freckleface: I’m really hoping looked at Blizzard products as previous expansion. The “add ons” the garrisons will having lasting a whole, rather than seeing an for that boost will continue to grow power. I hope they add enough individual’s influence in it. When with a list of skills and traits the personalized features to make it I’m in Azeroth, I just see Azeroth. characters would have otherwise feel homey and not just a pit stop had to have learned in the game between more exciting things.■ WHERE DO YOU SEE WOW GOING IN THE FUTURE? - professions, flight licenses, and By Christian Wootton The GameOn Magazine