World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 45

World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 45 a combination of these is used flags in quick succession without managing to capture a flag then it’s because more often than not your opponent managing to score entirely possible to switch tactic, the flags are snagged at roughly any flags in return. But this is not throw your opponent off guard and the same time. Spending a few the only way to win. If you have snatch a quick flag before the game moments and a little effort to try and more flags than your enemy, you ends. This is often easier said than blitz your flag back on the way past win, even if that is only 1-0 to your done in this kind of encounter, but if could yield results, but make sure faction. You also win a ‘draw’ if you you do manage to capture a single you don’t linger too long and get were the last team to capture a flag. flag with a few minutes left, pile up your flag to a guardable position. This is important to bear in mind your defense in your flag room to VICTORY CONDITIONS as sometimes a match plays to this hold it but also consider sending a The best way to win Warsong perfectly. If you find that your teams stealth class out to just grab the flag are evenly matched and nobody is again and take it far away. Chances Gulch is obviously by capturing 3 are in this situation that the other faction will panic somewhat and come at your flag room hard so while they are focussed on pulling the game back from the jaws, why not send a Rogue or Druid out to buy a little bit of insurance? Summary Warsong Gulch is very much a love it or hate it kind of Battleground. It has been in the World of Warcraft a long, long time and has undergone more than a few tweaks over the years. It is a well balanced Battleground but it will always be filled with frustration at times. If you can keep your head, react to your opponent and take a few trustworthy friends with you, you can certainly push the odds in your favour.■ By Ian Plumpton The GameOn Magazine