So at that point I said I quit although I’m not that kind of person that quits since I’m so persistent in what i do in my life personally or musically.
WoC: The music industry is tough indeed. So why did you decide to come back?
Haris C: Yes it is, but honestly I did it (coming back) for myself only not for anyone else. What I feel everyday I transform it into music with no labeling just music and it’s there. I know i have disappointed a lot of people who loved my work all of these years when i said 'Fuck it' and I hope that they are happy that I’m back. I just want to release my own thing, not follow the flow and if people like it then fine, if not that’s fine too.
WoC: I can relate to that for sure. What can we expect from Haris C now that he is back with a full tank?