World Food Policy WFP Volume 4, No. 2, Spring 2018 | Page 13

Global and Regional Perspectives of Food Economy and Policy 2. Challenges is the percentage of population hungry, but with population growing the num- ber of hungry people declines slowly. Of considerable concern, South Asia showed essentially no improvement in the number of hungry people, while Africa South of the Sahara experience increases in hunger. 2.1. Nutrition Looking into the regional trends of nu- trition, Figure 2.1 shows slow progress in undernourished people of about a billion people in the 1990s to around 800 million currently (left figure). Prog- ress is better on shares of hunger, that Figure 2.1. Regional trends in malnutrition in a) undernourished people; b) stunted children; and c) overweight and obesity, 1990s to present. Sources: Left panel: FAOSTAT3 ( middle: de Onis, M, M. Blössner and E. Borghi. 2011 1990_2011.pdf; and right: UN in de Onis, M, M. Blössner and E. Borghi. 2010. Glob- al prevalence and trends of overweight and obesity among preschool children. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 92:1257–64. ( overweight_obesity/en/). (Figure 2.1, right hand side) continues to show large increases not only in Asia and Africa but at the global level. In terms of stunted children, substantial reduction was observed from the 1990s to present (Figure 2.1., middle panel). However, Africa contin- ued to show increases in the number of stunted children. Essentially all the improvement in childhood malnutri- tion has come in Asia and small con- tributions from Latin America. Obesity In addition to undernourish- ment, childhood stunting, and obesity, pervasive micronutrient deficiencies are another serious issue that hampers achievement of nutrition security. De- ficiencies in micronutrient is prevalent 9