World Food Policy Volume 3, No. 2/Volume 4, No. 1, Fall16/Spring17 | Page 83

World Food Policy • Vol. 3, No. 2 / Vol. 4, No. 1 • Fall 2016 / Spring 2017 Land, State, and Society in Laos: Ethnographies of Land Policies Pierre Petit 1 Abstract Land policies are a contentious topic in Laos. The banning of swid- den agriculture in the 1990s prompted widespread resettlements, while land allocation was implemented during the same period; the following decade saw massive land grabs. Unfavorable to small farmers, these processes transformed everyday social relations with land, which used to be managed at the village level but pres- ently fall more and more within the administration’s domain. How- ever, State employees are not alone in using a new lexicon to refer to land issues; those impacted by such measures are also adopting it to protect themselves, sometimes with relative success. Gossip and rumor can affect the authorities’ decisions. And land policies can never be implemented without vernacularization, which ends up constructing a practical order on land negotiated—in uneven terms—by the local administration and the local actors. Ethno- graphic case studies throughout Laos illustrate how the state has become an inescapable mediator between people and land, trans- forming the social fabric and reshaping people’s agency. Keywords: Laos, Anthropology of the State, Micro-Politics, Land Policies, Land Grabbing, Resettlement Resumen Las políticas de tierras son un tema controvertido en Laos. La pro- hibición de la agricultura itinerante en los años 1990 resultó en muchos movimientos de personas, mientras que la asignación de tierras fue implementada durante el mismo periodo; la siguiente década vio apropiaciones de tierra masivas. Al no ser favorables para los pequeños granjeros, estos procesos transformaron relacio- 1 Pierre Petit is Senior Research Fellow at the Belgian National Funds for Scientific research (FNRS). He is the director of the Laboratoire d’Anthropologie des Mondes Contemporains at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). He currently works on mobility, youth, and religion among the Tai Vat of Houa Phan (Laos). [email protected] 83 doi: 10.18278/wfp.