Working at Crofton House Working at CHS | Page 21

PILLAR FOUR: Progress: EXTRAORDINARY COMMUNITY Numerous events and initiatives are designed to bring the community together and strengthen bonds. The Parents’ Auxiliary plays a key role in organizing events, including the annual Winter Bazaar, which raises funds for vulnerable children. Objective: • Create a vibrant Crofton House community by engaging in intentional external partnerships that contribute to the broader community. Strategies: • Develop and implement a comprehensive internal engagement plan that creates a strong, inclusive community by actively supporting the CHS Parents’ Auxiliary. • Identify and establish intentional external partnerships that contribute positively to the local and wider communities. • Build a strong, active alumnae relations program that strengthens our school community and honours its history. The alumnae program, led by the School’s Advancement team, works with the CHS Alumnae Association to provide opportunities to create and strengthen meaningful connections between each alumna and the Crofton House community. The Whole Girl, Whole World speaker series provides parents, teachers, and girls with an exciting opportunity to hear from internationally-renowned experts about complex issues facing growing girls. 21