Woodbridge Flyer Magazine WoodbridgeFlyer_Apr2019_For_Web | Page 5

Woodbridge Library The Events Flyer Woodbridge Library Events Please Note: Woodbridge Library Will Be Closed On Bank Holidays Friday 19th April, Sunday 21st April & Monday 22nd April. Monday 1st April – Tuesday 30th April - ArtLib – Abstracts by Andrew Cowell Andrew Cowell who is retired has been painting for some four years now and is a member of Woodbridge Art Club. In the main, he works with acrylic paint. Some of the art is produced by pouring the paint onto the canvas and then manipulating it to achieve the desired effect. Most of the paintings are very bright and lively and his inspiration comes from the brightness he sees around him. Book Group (Meets the fi rst Thursday of the month at 2pm) On 4th April we will be discussing “By Its Cover” written by Donna Leon. Please come along if you have read this book and would like to join in the discussion. Friday 5th April, 8pm – Browsers Bookshop presents: Joanne Harris in conversation with Catherine Larner Tickets: £20 (includes a copy of “The Strawberry Thief”); £12 for one additional ticket without the book. Book in advance by calling Browsers Bookshop on 01394 388890. Friday 5th April & Friday 26th April, 10.30am- 12.30pm – Active Lives Singing Group Feel your spirits lift and fi nd a new confi dence in singing. Learn some new songs and learn harmonies to songs you know. Improve your breathing, your circulation and have some fun! Take some time out to relax and make music with others. For more information call Gina Silburn or Julie Stokes on 01473 345350 or visit the Active Lives website wwwactivlives.org.uk £5 per session. From Saturday 6th April throughout the month – Sale Of Withdrawn Fiction For Adults Take a chance and discover a new author! All proceeds go to Woodbridge Library. Tuesday 9th April, 10am-12 noon – Realise Futures Walk-In Advice & Guidance Session for People with a Learning Disability and/or Autism Come along to a Realise Futures walk-in advice and guidance sessions. They can provide support, advice or information on housing, employment, benefi ts, training, money, travel, safety, health, bills/letters, social. There is no need to book an appointment. Contact Realise Futures to fi nd out more about this service and what’s happening in your local area. 07753 447607 [email protected] www.realisefutures.org Wednesday 10th April, 10am-12 noon - Veterans’ Coffee Morning Open to veterans, serving personnel and families. Come along and meet like minded people for tea, coffee and a chat. Organised by The Matthew Project – Outside the Wire. For more details contact: 01603 626123, [email protected], www.matthewproject.org Saturday 13th April, 10.15-11.45am - Talk by Mia Philips (Well-being Coach & Three Principles Practitioner) £7 per person. For more information please visit www.facebook.com/SC3PC Tuesday 16th April, 12.45-1.30pm – Lunchtime concert by the Woodbridge Cruising Club ukulele band Jetsam, the Woodbridge Cruising Club ukulele band, have been playing together for eighteen months. Their speciality is playing and singing songs from the 60s and 70s with a smattering of earlier ones for people to sing along to. They made their debut performance at Maritime Woodbridge last September so if you enjoyed that, come along and join in. Admission free but donations to the Friends of Woodbridge Library very welcome. Saturday 20th April, 9am-11am - Caroline Page, County Councillor for Woodbridge, will be holding her surgery at the library. Saturday 27th April, 7.30pm –Iestyn Edwards, author of “My Tutu Went AWOL” Iestyn’s innovative talk on his recent book “My Tutu Went AWOL” will consist of theatre, music, ballet and strong cultural interest. We will learn about touring Iraq and Afghanistan in a tutu and how he got dressed down for drying his tights on the Basra anti-blast wall plus lots more fabulous stories. Please join Iestyn for an hilarious evening with a glass of wine and lots of laughs. His book is currently being developed as a feature fi lm and you get to see it in Woodbridge! Tickets are £8.00 each and are available from Woodbridge Emporium (01394 382382 or via www. woodbridgeemporium.co.uk Myths of Equity Release Mortgages Myth 1: You no longer own your own home False. A Lifetime Mortgage does not affect the ownership of your property. You will remain the owner of your property until the second of you dies or moves into long- term care. Subject to the provider’s criteria, you are also free to move home. Myth 2: You can end up owing more than the value of your home Mortgage, with the remainder of the tax-free cash you release yours to spend entirely as you wish! False. All plans from lenders approved by the Equity Release Council feature a ‘No Negative Equity Guarantee’, which means that you or your heirs will never owe more than the value of your property. Should your property at the end of the plan be worth less than the amount borrowed, the remaining balance gets written off. Myth 4: You must make monthly repayments Myth 3: You can’t release equity from your home if you have an outstanding mortgage False. In fact, repaying an existing mortgage is one of the most popular uses of a Lifetime False. You don’t have to make any repayments and the interest is simply added to the total amount outstanding. However, many Lifetime Mortgages products allow you to repay a percentage of the total balance each year penalty- free. Lifetime Mortgage products have changed and could signifi cantly, and securely, boost your later life fi nances. Why not fi nd out today how much tax-free cash you could release from your property? P le a s e m e n t i o n ‘ T h e F l yer ’ wh en r esp o n d in g t o ad ver t isements T H E FLY E R | A P R IL 2 0 1 9 5