Woodbridge Flyer Magazine WoodbridgeFlyer_Apr2019_For_Web | Page 4

From your MP The Flyer The Woodbridge Flyer Established 2003 Woodbridge Flyer Copy deadlines: May edition: 10/04/19 June edition: 10/05/19 Advertise in the Flyer Tel: 01394 211 461 Established reputation and unrivalled distribution Flyer Group Ltd magazine publishers with titles covering Hertfordshire, Essex and Suffolk Head offi ce: Flyer House, Bridge Road, Felixstowe IP11 7AA www.fl yeronline.co.uk Contents 18 19 ADVERTISING SALES: CUSTOMER SERVICE: NEWS ARTICLES: PRINT AND DELIVERY: 16 adrian.bradshaw@fl yeronline.co.uk accounts@fl yeronline.co.uk newsdesk@fl yeronline.co.uk jon@fl yerpress.co.uk © The Woodbridge Flyer Limited 2019. Views and opinions mentioned are not necessarily those of the editor or proprietor and no responsibility will be taken for the accuracy of information contained herein. For further information on advertising in the Woodbridge Flyer, please call 01394 211461 or email: adrian.bradshaw@fl yeronline.co.uk Editor: Adrian Bradshaw. Sub Editor: Chris Nind. All advert layouts and design are property of The Woodbridge Flyer Limited. The standard charge for unauthorised reproduction is £350. Printed by FLYER PRESS LTD Tel: 01394 283371 4 TH E FLYER | A PR IL 2019 From your MP I know Flyer readers share my pride that we host the Army in our part of Suffolk– and following the decision by Dr Thérèse Coffey MP the Defence Secretary recently, I’m delighted that Rock Barracks will remain open and house a newly formed regiment. When the MOD fi rst suggested closure back in 2016, I, along with Cllr Geoff Holdcroft, immediately met Defence Minister, Mark Lancaster MP, to make the case on why the base should be retained. Not least because of its special characteristics and the fact that it brings enormous economic benefi ts to Woodbridge and surrounding villages, but also because the planning constraints on the site meant it would not generate the fi nancial income the MOD expected. Instead, Rock Barracks will now house the Army’s new Counter- Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear capability, a Defence task currently being undertaken by the RAF Regiment at Honington. A Royal Engineers squadron will relocate here from Germany with other elements being added as the capability grows over time. I have had the pleasure of working with members of the units that will be coming into the new regiment during the horrendous Novichok incidents in Wiltshire, as I was the minister responsible for the decontamination process. They will be great professionals and I warmly welcome them to Suffolk. I am following up with the Prisons Minister about the HM Chief Inspector of Prisons report on HMP Hollesley Bay, which found that almost 40% of prisoners arrived in open conditions without a full assessment of their risk. I am deeply concerned about this. This practice needs to stop otherwise it undermines the trust of local communities and the wider population, who expect that rigorous process is followed. Whilst the report is clear that Hollesley Bay continues to deliver good outcomes for those who are detained, which is good news for their rehabilitation, I am more concerned about the protection of the public. I am seeking an urgent meeting with the Prisons Minister to ensure that changes are made. I am pleased to see that the Delay Repay scheme for Greater Anglia passengers will improve as partial repayment will now be available for shorter delays to journeys. I am concerned that the ticket machines still seem to fail rather regularly which I will be taking up with Greater Anglia. While the announcement that the rail replacement service will again be in place over Easter, they are necessary improvements for a more reliable rail service. Letters to the Editor Send your club news, reports, events and articles to News desk, The Flyer, Flyer House, Bridge Road, Felixstowe IP11 7SL or email newsdesk@fl yeronline.co.uk Pl ease menti on ‘The Fl yer’ when respondi ng to adv e rti s e me nts