Woodbridge Flyer Magazine WoodbridgeFlyer_Apr2019_For_Web | Page 20

Portal The Flyer Woodlands Conservation Group Portal Woodlands Conservation Group This time last year our area of the UK was in the ice-cold grip of the ‘Beast from the East’ and ‘Storm Emma’ with snow laying heavily on the ground during the fi rst day of meteorological Spring. Roll on 12 months and the weather for February’s Working Party could not have been more different with bright sunshine and blue skies. It was lovely to see snowdrops poking through the leaf litter showing that spring has truly sprung! During the morning the Volunteers concentrated on clearing and cutting back the hedges along the edge of the woodland by the A1214 main road. Using saws, secateurs and loppers, the hedgerow was thinned and shortened. This was done to encourage thicker and denser vegetation growth which will provide prime nesting sites for the local birdlife as they start breeding over the next few months. This needed to be done before spring to avoid causing disturbance to the nesting birds. There was also a collection of larger branches picked up from the surrounding woodland that were used to repair and extend a dead hedge at the police headquarters end of the woods. any nominations to stand for our Committee be submitted via the Group’s email by 4th April. Dates for the Diary If you haven’t wandered through the woods for a while please take the time to walk along our three signposted trails and enjoy the calmness of the woodlands. The green acorn highlights the wildlife and nature walk, the red plane leads to and around notable historic features within the woods (the tumuli and sandbag revetments for example) and lastly the blue dragonfl y will lead you to the pond area. Look out for seasonal fl owers such as snowdrops, crocus and daffodil as well as the local fauna especially nesting birds in the hedgerows and bird boxes (please ensure you remain a respectful distance from the wildlife). The Group’s AGM is on Monday 8th April and all are welcome to come and see what we do, congratulate this year’s young winner of the Nature Explorers Award and enjoy a short presentation about our local badgers. Additionally, please would Volunteer Work Morning (all ages) Sunday 28th April, 10am – Noon. Meet at the Education Area. Tools, training and light refreshments provided. All ages welcome - no need to book. Nature Explorers (11-18 year olds) Saturday 18th May, 9am – 11:00am. Please book a place via our email below. Nature Watch Club (5-11 year olds) 2019 dates to be confi rmed. New volunteers of all ages and abilities are always welcome. No experience needed. For further information, please contact us at [email protected], phone: 01473 612632 or go over to our website: pwcg.onesuffolk.net or join our members’ Facebook Group by messaging Duncan Sweeting. Sam Cork, Nature Explorer and Young Volunteer Woodbridge Labour BREXIT – WOODBRIDGE STREET POLL SHOWS SUPPORT TO REMAIN IN THE EU A street poll by the Woodbridge Labour Party revealed that 53% of respondents want to abandon BREXIT. There is support too for the “People’s Referendum” – another vote on whether to either: accept the Prime Minister’s deal (Chequers); or to have a “No deal BREXIT”; or to remain in the EU. 25% of repondents support this option. Only 9% of respondents favour a “No deal BREXIT”, whilst just 2% support the Prime Minister’s deal. For the full results see below. Jeremy Hawksley, 1 Grundisburgh Rd, Woodbridge Suffolk, IP12 4HJ. Tel: 01394 387848. Mb 07771 758971. Email: [email protected] No Deal (Hard BREXIT) 9% The Prime Minister’s Deal 2% A softer BREXIT 7% The “People’s Referendum” 25% Decide with a General Election 3% Abandon BREXIT 53% 20 TH E FLYER | A PR IL 2019 Pl ease menti on ‘The Fl yer’ when respondi ng to adv e rti s e me nts