Woodbridge Flyer Magazine WoodbridgeFlyer_Apr2019_For_Web | Page 19

Health & The Fitness Flyer We’re looking for casual lifeguards! Summer’s just around the corner, now’s the time to start your Swimming lessons! If you know someone who’s trained as a lifeguard, ask them to get in touch! We’re looking for people who can work on a casual basis! Visit out website or social media pages for more information! If you’re heading away this summer and you’re thinking about another holiday confi ned to the deck chair while the little ones are splash around in the pool, now is the perfect time to start your journey! We offer swimming lessons for all ages from adult and baby lessons all the way through our junior swim P le a s e m e n t i o n ‘ T h e F l yer ’ wh en r esp o n d in g t o ad ver t isements programme to our adult beginner lessons! For more information give us a ring on 01394 388991 or visit our website for more info. T H E FLY E R | A P R IL 2 0 1 9 19