Woodbridge Flyer Magazine WoodbridgeFlyer_Apr2019_For_Web | Page 11

The Flyer The importance of the Woodbridge Art Club Lasting Powers of Attorney Many people worry about what happens to their assets after they pass away - but what happens to your assets if you become incapable of managing your affairs during your lifetime? Imagine the possibility that you have a stroke or the onset of dementia, will anyone be able to continue to pay your bills or collect your pension? Consider the possibility that you go into a care home and your property needs to be sold - who would be able to sign the conveyancing paperwork for you? Lasting Powers of Attorney (“LPA”) came into force on 1 October 2007. The Property and Financial Affairs LPA replaced the Enduring Power of Attorney. If you have an EPA you may wish to speak with us to ensure it still meets your needs today. One of the main differences between the EPA and LPA is that the LPA can be registered straightaway, whereas the EPA is registered once the donor (the person who made the document) has lost, or starts to lose mental capacity. This unfortunately would mean a delay in the Attorney being able to act for you. Therefore you may wish to consider replacing your EPA with an LPA. of Attorney with you. If you would welcome an informal conversation over tea and cake about LPAs, we are holding an event at our Ipswich offi ce on 3rd and 4th June. For further information about LPAs - or about the event - please email zoe. [email protected] or call 01473 255591. This article provides only a general summary and is not intended to be comprehensive. Special legal advice should be taken in any individual situation. An Invitation Please join Zoe Southgate and Paige Carter for an informal chat about Lasting Powers of Attorney at Oak House, Jackamans’ offi ce at 7 Northgate Street, Ipswich, IP1 3BX You have a choice of two dates: Monday 3rd June or Tuesday 4th June The event will start at 3pm and should last no more than an hour. Numbers are strictly limited so please RSVP to [email protected] There is also a Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare under which your attorneys can make decisions concerning your care, and may be able to give instructions in relation to life sustaining treatment. LPAs are extremely powerful and it is important that legal advice is sought. Our Jackamans’ Private Client team will be happy to discuss Powers The latest taster course for people interested in trying out different types of art had 14 enthusiastic participants who turned out some really good work. There will be further courses, the fi rst around Easter time. Details will appear on our Facebook page . Anyone interested in joining the club can also use Facebook to ask for an application form and further details. Technophobes can use snail mail or call into the club during exhibition opening times to pick up a form. The AGM which takes place in mid March will elect a new committee who will qget working on a programme of events for the coming year, which will include more evening and weekend activities for those who are not free during the day. Our 51st summer exhibition opens in the club gallery in Tide Mill Way on Good Friday April 19 th and will be open all the bank holiday weekend from 10-5. Thereafter it will be open at these times every weekend and bank holiday Monday till the end of September. As well as the usual selection of paintings, pottery and cards, the book relating the clubs fi rst fi fty years, with many interesting photos, will be on sale. The remaining copies of our 2019 calendar will be available for a small donation of your choice. We look forward to welcoming both old friends and newcomers. Woodbridge Camera Club ‘Food & Drink’ Competition Judge George Buxton was served a smorgasbord of entries for the February ‘Food & Drink’ Print Competition. The 31 images were digested and critiqued down to a fi nal 10. After several minutes of deliberation, the winer was announced as Graham Wood with ‘Cheese and Wine by Candlelight’. With runner up Robin Garrod with ‘Mussels on the Menu’, With fi ve 10/10’s awarded in total. The standard of the entries was exceptionally high and members look forward to the next challenge – “Monochrome” in May. Our next meeting on 19th March “Thinking in Colour to see Black & White” is presented by Alan Sarsby. New Eastern Angles Play - “The Tide Jetty” Kirton Church Hall - Wednesday 16th April AT 7.30 pm Set in the 1860s, this new play is about two brothers, Tucky and Nathan, who are growing up on the banks of Breydon Water alongside tomboy, Eliza. The three of them are inseperable, but as they grow older the inevitable happens. Eliza turns into a woman and the two boys both fall for her. But tragedy tears the trio apart and years later it is time to discover P le a s e m e n t i o n ‘ T h e F l yer ’ wh en r esp o n d in g t o ad ver t isements the truth of what really happened. Written by Tony Ramsay, “The Tide Jetty” is a thought-provoking play, exploring what we treasure and why we preserve it. Tickets priced at £10.00, £9.00 for concessions, are now available from Norah or Michael at 28 Burnt House Lane, Kirton, phone: 01394 448238, or e-mail: michaelsharpley @ btinternet.com. T H E FLY E R | A P R IL 2 0 1 9 11