Wonder Volume 1 | Page 12

In recovery? Feeling like you'll relapse, here's what to do.

1. Read a book! Books are great distractions, Even if just for a little while! Curling up with a book will give you the distraction you need.

2. Watch a film! You have a dvd collection? Or internet? Find a movie, that's an hour and a half distraction right there! Make sure whatever you watch isn't triggering!

3. Take a bath! A warm bath can help ease stress, make it with bubbles, and turn up some music as you do! Enjoy your alone time!

4. Have some 'alone time' As awkward as this might make some of you feel - self love can be a great distraction. Plus, with reaching an orgasm, it can release the endorphins that cutting may give you.

5.Selfies! Doll yourself up and take pictures! May it be silly one, pretty ones, random ones, take pictures, and it may just clear your head!

6.Write it out. Instead of running from your feelings, write them. It may help you understand what you're going through a little more!

7.TALK TO SOMEONE! Family, friends, anyone, it doesn't have to be about what you're feeling, just talk, having another person to talk to can help you in many ways, it's a great distractions, and your friends always care about you.

8.Exercise! This may seem strange, but exercising releases the same endorphines that you release when you self harm. If you are recovering from an eting disprder, do yoga, it concentrates on the mind as well as the body.

9.Play an instrument! That guitar that's been sitting in the corner of your room for months, or years? Learn how to play it! That way, when you feel like you might relapse, play away your feelings.