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Contributing Writers


Today, most Christians have eliminated suffering from their walk with Christ,thinking once you believe in Christ as LORD and Saviour you must necessarilyhave all things or lack nothing. Remember Christ said several times He had beensent by His Father and He did things His Father liked. But in the garden ofGethsemane, He cried out the Father’s will should prevail, although He desiredotherwise. He was molested, abandoned, flogged, denied, mocked and killed. Inthe end, He attained our redemption; it was not easy, but it worth dying. Agony isnot a pleasant thing, but it leaves broad smiles at the end of the tunnel. “Except theLORD” nothing will be effectual

Our Vision:

* Encourage women to rise up and identify the calling that God has placed in their lives and use it to glorify God.

* Helping women move away from their past hurts and painful circumstances

* Encourage each woman to arise and make a positive contributionin their circle of influence

* Lend a helping hand where it is needed.

* Take a leading role in raising children God's way; thus influencing the choices that they will make in the future.

How do you know that you have actually found love?

Well i have discovered the answer. You don't.

Love is looking for you right now. Love has been praying for you, taking care of you. Love has been interceeding for you this whole time. Love has been defenfing you, covering you, pleading for you. Love is always right next to you, guiding you.

Love has always been in love with you. Now Love is interviewing for you, making sure that you always recieve the best.

You see you don't need to look for love because He is everywhere. Love has been holding you and carrying you through every storm. Every bump in the road. Every detour, every stop sign. Love has been feeding you, clothing you. Love gave all that you would ever have need of need of. Love died for you, rose for you.

Women you dont need to look for a husband. The Bible declares that he who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.

Men you need to keep praying because the Word of God says that only the Lord can give an understanding wife.

If we seek ye first the, Kingdom of God and all of His righteousness then He will give us the desires of our hearts. God knows what you have need of, so just ask Him for what you need, want and desire. He will answer you. Just prepare yourself for, the blessing while you wait for it to come.

Remember without faith it is impossible to please God.



By Constance Cooper