leaping into your destiny

Nana Esi neverconsidered her incapability, she trustfully helped her cousin through secondaryschool while she was two years ahead. She encouraged Sophia to offer the samecourses as hers so she could tutor her, and it worked perfectly.

with her until she completed her O’levels. The LORD countenance Nana Esi ineverything because she fully trusted in HIM. She emerged the class prefect informs one-three and girl’s prefect in her final year. She was also the Scripture. Union (S.U) president. Currently, Nana Esi is a fulfilled clergy and Sophia is astaff at University of Cape Coast. The scripture that sustained, encouraged and endeared Nana Esi to surmountchallenges while looking up to the author and finisher of all things wasPhilippians 3:10. “That I may know him, and the power of hisresurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, beingmade conformable unto his death”. As difficult situations unfolded,Nana Esi only depended on the LORD for salvation, guidance, deliverance,protection and liberation. It is important to comprehend that, the success, academicexcellence, motivation or any laurels Nana Esi chalked was purely due to trust inGOD and divine interventions. She spent four years at home after her middleschool education, efforts by some energetic, successful young men to betroth andcontribute to her education was refuted. No family member was willing to help her“Except the LORD”. It must be reiterated that, she was domicile in the family house at Cape Coast,surrounded by aunties, uncles, grandpas, but they did not commit themselves intoher schooling. She respected the elderly and was strongly noted for hercommitment, fervency, Christian values, reserved Christian values, reserved academic life, outreach ministry. motivational speeches and leadership abilities. Friends, families and relativesadmired her but none contributed to support her learning. The church was previewto her problems: knew she was a student, played her leadership dutiesconscientiously, but was silence to her predicaments. The most baffling thing wasthat, the LORD was “never” mute to Nana Esi. Although sometimes things did notgo in the manner predicted, she believed the LORD was in charge of the situation,even to the utmost deplorable condition. People wondered how she made it withoutan explicit sponsor or guardian support. It was all the doing of the LORD. To conclude, I would like to inspire all youth, especially those from poor homes orfinancially constricted family due to crises or demise of a parent or guardian toknow that poverty, frustration, demoralization or destitution cannot inhibit yourdreams. Array your dreams and aspirations, present them to the LORD, believeHim to provide and never turn your eyes from Him. The LORD will be more thanwilling to help you to accomplish your dreams and aspirations. Be reminded that,storms will come, turbulent periods may arise, people will misunderstand you,others will falsely accuse your stands, yturbulent periods may arise, people will misunderstand you,others will falsely accuse your stands, you may even be deserted by reliable friendswho do not have your kind of zeal and enthusiasm, but you need to hold on to thecreator, the giver and sustainer of life, anchor of hope and author of all thingsincluding your future. You don’t stop learning, praying, loving the LORD and serving Him, because He is the one and only who can appropriately make you afulfilled person. Moreover, considering the circumstances that surrounded NanaEsi, she would have been a complete failure without the LORD.


I was introduced to Prophet Phineas Turner 11 by my friend Apostle Nakaie. Having an online magazine, Apostle Nakaie had recommended him to be a writer for the magazine. Soon after, he contacted me and was excited about having the opportunity to write for us. Having a busy schedule, he had suggested that we wait until he was able to sit down and write. Late last month, he sent me an article and in his message he asked for one request: 'If the magazine could create a page called 'Prophet's Corner.'

I worked on the magazine website and created a page entitled Prophet's Corner. When I mentioned it to him, he sent me a message that the request was for the online magazine, not the website.

In his honour, WFM has created the page he requested. Even if I had not met him personally, his death has left a mark on me and reminded me to run the race set before us with passion and zeal.

Our sincere condolences go out to his family, his children, and his brothers and sisters in Christ. May God comfort you and strengthen you as you pick up from where he left.



Prophetic word submitted to Women's Frontline Magazine

by Porphet Phineas Turner 11


This Season Women on the Front Line should possess the ability to change the weather forcast over their Lives.... If one woman's (Jezebel) worship through rebellion to an Idol god called Baal could upset God and cause him to stop rain for 3 years in the natural (1 Kings 17:1).... on the contrary, How much more could one woman's WORSHIP through obedience unto God cause rain to manifest...

For Behold I See Women all over the Globe releasing showers... Let the rain fall, for rain is symbolic of the Blessings of God being RELEASED.... It is also significant for the Outpouring of The Spirit as well as the Word of God..

Women on the Frontline produce the rain in this Hour... Don't be argumentative, remain in God and let a transformative shift take place. For Proverbs 27:15 (NLT) reads.. A quarrelsome wife is as annoying as constant dripping on a rainy day. Change your attitude and perfect that which concerns You...

Worship until His BLESSINGS are unraveled, Pray until the Heavens pour out above You, and most Importantly, consercrate yourself until HIS Word is Revealed (1 Kings 18:41)... Open the flood gates and produce the rain.

You posses the ability to create showers..


Prophet Phineas A. Turner, II.

Prophetic Release submitted 30th March 2014 to Women's Frontline Magazine

by Prophet Phineas A. Turner ll

Then I had a dream in which I was leading a woman who was running from an unknown assailant. I received confirmation and I haven’t looked back. After I wrote the book Hannah’s Testimony, I sensed that God wanted me to start a women’s ministry as well. My initial plan was to hold yearly women’s conference but one day, a lady pastor friend said to me that she believes God wanted me to start a meeting from home. I prayed for a confirmation of that word and it came through another sister who came up to me to say God says to tell me to start a meeting at home.

After that I started holding meetings at home. Hannah’s Testimony has a strong presence on facebook and a website:www.hannahstestimonies.com. The focus of the ministry is to encourage women to look up to God in everything. Apart from the meetings at home, I am also involved in the women’s ministry in my church and also speak to women’s groups as and when I am called upon to.

You just published a new book. What is it about?

My new book is entitled ‘Silence is Golden’.

It is about the issue of gossip and what God has to say about it. It looks at the damaging effects of gossip and what we must do to halt it. Both the ‘Hannah’s Testimony’ and ‘Silence Is Golden’ can be purchased on Amazon.What is your message to women today?God loves us .He is the Author and Finisher of our faith and in all things we should look up to him. When we call on Him He Will Answer us. Remember that all things work together for our our good.

Thank you Pearl for sharing your story with WFM. We wish you all the best in all you are involved in.

Women's Internationational Prayer Circle (WIPC)

'It's all about God

join us


Life is all about growth. Sometimes we have these bumps in the road that drive us straight to our knees. I mean have you ever had a day when all you wanted was a hug? You didn't want to be preached to. You didn't want anyone to cast out devils. You didn't want anyone to try to get to the root of the thing. You just wanted some love, all you wanted was a friend a confidant.

We have times when we want to just have a sounding board. We just need a listening ear, some one who will not have an opinion on your every move but will say it is all going to work out for your good!

In those times I only know one person I can run to. He is my Strong Tower, I can run to and be safe. I know whereni can run and hide and because of His goodness and His mercy He becomes my shelter in my time of storm .

I sometimes get fearful of losing something or someone's love, then He whispers to me.... I have not given you a Spirit of fear but of power love and a diciplined mind.

Yeah sometimes when we look for love in all the wrong places, we end up lost, hurt, lonely, confused and devestated when things don't turn out like we planned it.

But I am here as a living witness to tell anyone who will listen and take heed that Love is already in love with you.

You see Love when you open your eyes. You hear Love in the trees, you see Love when you look at what Love created. You hear Love speaking when the wind blows, when the birds sing, when waves roll in the ocean. You smell Love when you smell the flowers and the trees.

You know that love loves you because your breathing, you are reading this and guess what Love actually talks back to you if you slow down long enough to quiet yourself, and open yourself up to read the book of Love. You will actually hear what Love is saying to you individually and to us universally.

Yes Love wants to hear what you have to say. How you feel, how you hurt, and how He can help you heal.

Love absolutely wants to give you all that you have need of and desire. Yes Love is in Love with you and all that He predestined for you to do.

So when you have time to open the Book of Love, listen to the words of Love, learn the rules of Love, live the life of Love, and get the keys to Love... Please open your heart the door to Love. He is waiting on the other side of that door so you will forever walk together in Love.

He has been waiting on you so He, Love can set you free!!!

Remember Love is already in Love with you. It began before time in your mothers womb!!!