Quisque vitae rutrum mi. Aliquam erat at neque nunc accumsan tristique. Praesent id tempor nisl.

As we read the bible, we find that God spoke to His people through dreams and visions.Dreams are a series of mental images and emotions occuring during the night. The biblical definition of a dream is:"In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;". The Bible says several things in this one verse. First of all, a dream is a vision of the night. The verse also teaches that a dream occurs when deep sleep falls upon men. According to the Bible, a vision is something that occurs when a man is awake, while a dream is something that occurs when a man is asleep. Some who study dreams say that we are always dreaming when we sleep, but we only remember the dreams right before we awake. This would actually fit with the scriptures in several cases where men remember a dream that actually woke them up.Dreams quicken the mind and the spirit to receive strength when we are weak, experience peace when we are anxious, and deliver sanity to the troubled mind. You will discover, as you read the bible that all of our dreams are messages from God with a purpose in mind; (to expose negative and positive characteristics), to reveal a mystery about ourselves (hidden agendas, talents, gifts, solutions to a problem, warnings of possible illness, and other things about ourselves which we are unaware of). Dreams also reveal future events, potential danger, as well as healing dreams for both the mind and body. "He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night,when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds."Job 33:15 (NLT) "And the Lord said to them, "Now listen to what I say:"If there were prophets among you,I, the Lord, would reveal myself in visions. I would speak to them in dreams."Numbers 12:6 (NLT)

Astoundingly, while encountering these challenges, she kept her intimacy with theLORD and efficiently played all her required responsibility in the church. She led worship and helped around within other functions of the church. She neither turned down any of the invitations, nor complained about her personal issues.

Her complete trust, faith and hope were fully entrenched in the LORD. Under the proficient grace of the LORD, she sailed smoothly to the second year of High school. While in the second year,Mrs. Rosaline employed her as a private instructor for her children. She taughtMathematics, English and Accounting, out of which she earned proceeds to settleher fees, personal needs and assist her cousin, Sophia.Nana Esi was not self-centered, regardless her economic constraints as a student,she adopted Sophia, another cousin who was then fifteen years and was stayingwith her grandma. Sophia, like Nana Esi had lost her father; her mum was out ofthe country and was already alcoholic at that tender age. Nana Esi neverconsidered her incapability, she trustfully helped her cousin through secondaryschool while she was two years ahead. She encouraged Sophia to offer the samecourses as hers so she could tutor her, and it worked perfectly. about her personal situational issues. Her complete trust, faith and hope were fullyentrenched in the LORD. Under the proficient grace of the LORD, she sailedsmoothly to the second year of her secondary education. While in the second year,Mrs. Rosaline employed her as a private instructor for her children. She taughtMathematics, English and Accounting, out of which she earned proceeds to settleher fees, personal needs and assist her cousin, Sophia.Nana Esi was not self-centered, regardless her economic constraints as a student,she adopted Sophia, another cousin who was then fifteen years and was stayingwith her grandma. Sophia, like Nana Esi had lost her father; her mum was out ofthe country and was already alcoholic at that tender age.


celebrating the spirit within

2. Publisher's desk

4. Tribute to Phineas A. Turner

6. There comes a time in your life

8. Dare to dream series

10. Interview with Pearl Occlo Dua

Contributing Writers

Mary Eisenacher

Yolanda Sherman

Constance Cooper

Hildah Lunding

Shelly Wilson

Marco Brewer

Mary Eisenacher, USA

Constance Cooper, USA

Yolanda Sherman, USA

Hildah Lunding, Dk

Shelly Wilson, USA

Marco Brewer, USA

Antoinette Scott, UK

In this issue

Contributing Writers

In this issue

Olivia Naa Lamle Okine


Coordinator For

Women's Frontline Magazine

in this issue

Olivia Naa Lamiley Okine is the Coordinator of Women's Frontline Magazine. She lives in Ghana and is the Chief Executive Officer of Mustard Seed Steps Company Limited, offering translation and interpretation bureau and administrative services [organizing workshops and conferences; tours] on consultancy basis and by referrals from trusted individuals, institutions and organizations. She is currently serving on the Harvest Committee of her church as the PR;

4 Meet the writers

6 Tribute to the late Prophet Phineas A. Turner II

8 Interview with Pearl Ocloo Dua

12 A letter to my son

16 There will be times in your life

18 Pressing on

22 Prophetic Corner

24 Dream Series

26 A Mother's Love

28 A tour for the broken hearted

30 Embracing the valley season

32 Arise

34 Love

36 Who am I

38 Letters to my sisteer

40 Adverts